Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Lind boosts street repair funds

LIND - The Town Council unanimously approved a resolution to allocate more city funds for street maintenance during its meeting last week.

After almost an hour of discussion, Councilwoman Jamie Schmunk moved to split property taxes between current expense and streets in the 2025 budget.

Out of a total of $95,412, current expenses are allocated $71,559 and streets would get $23,853.

The council approved the change unanimously, 4-0. Councilman Robert Dew was absent.

"That resolution won't come into effect until we actually have the resolution right the next meeting," Mayor Paula Bell said.

Schmunk was adamant the town needs to take care of its streets.

"Street repair is probably the single most expensive thing that a town would ever have to pay for," she said.

In other business, the council:

• Heard from Town Clerk/Treasurer Barbara Pence that the town had received an inquiry from the State Attorney General's Office to arrange a visit to discuss the town's public records policy.

• Discussed the town's lack of insurance. According to the mayor, the town's insurance expired Nov. 30, although town vehicles are covered by the National Fire and Marine Co. policy. The council voted 4-0 to seek insurance bids.

• Unanimously agreed to hire a new town attorney to represent the town's interests, not those of individual board members or the mayor. "We will be able to ask the attorney questions to make sure that we are abiding by the law," Councilman Jeremiah Shea said. Schmunk added: "We don't hire the attorney for us personally, we hire the attorney to represent the town."

• Approved a franchise agreement with CenturyLink to provide telecommunication services

• Approved an agreement with Adams County Fire District No. 2 for fire services support.

• Agreed to pay a Century West bill for water well disinfection and maintenance.

• Agreed to pay grinder pump repairs for a resident.


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