Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

9th Legislative District Position 2

Joe Schmick

Age: 66

Hometown: Colfax

Family: Married to Kim Schmick for 42 years.


Relevent or Volunteer Experience: 17 years in this current position

Candidates have been given a 100 words to answer each question and answers have not been edited.

Question 1: In recent years, state agencies have used purported habitat and wildlife concerns as a reason to implement new regulations on farmers and ranchers. Those regulations have impacted the livelihoods or rural residents. What would you do in the Legislature to protect farmers and ranchers while also preserving habitat and wildlife?

What might work on the west side of the state will not be appropriate on the east side. An example of this is the Salmon workgroup recommendations of 250 foot setbacks from streams. To have large setbacks locally on non-salmon streams is not appropriate.

Question 2: In 2019, the Legislature passed the law that would become the Washington Cares Act. Since then, state residents have overwhelmingly called for it to be repealed and any related collected taxes refunded. Voters even gathered enough signatures to get its repeal on the Nov. 5 ballot as Initiative 2124. If elected, how would you address the long-term care tax and benefit issues?

Initiative 2124 will allow people to choose if they see a benefit from WA Cares Act or if they don't. People should have a choice.

Question 3: The state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and Legislature have redefined Title IX rules to allow gender-dysphoric boys in female locker rooms and sports, and vice versa. As a lawmaker, what would you like to see done to simultaneously safeguard gender-dysphoric residents as well as Title IX protections for girls/women?

Biological girls should compete against biological girls. Biological boys should compete against biological boys. Gender-dysphoric boys should compete against gender-dysphoric boys.


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