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No Perfect People Allowed

“If I walked through the doors of your church, the walls would fall down.”

This statement, or ones similar to it, have been said to me on more than one occasion over the years that I’ve pastored our church. By saying this, the person is implying that they feel they are not worthy to enter a place they deem too good for them.

Recently, two men were working at our church in a place where there is no light. While holding a flashlight, one said to the other within range of my hearing, “This must be where they keep the sinners.”

The idea of “church” brings up a variety of images and opinions in people, but I think many of these views are misguided. One is that church is a place of “perfect” people, or at least people who think they are perfect.

While it may be true there are people in churches who think too highly of themselves, that is not the understanding of church from the Bible. The New Testament tells us, “All have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.” In other words, none of us are worthy to enter God’s presence. It is only because of God’s mercy and grace extended through Jesus Christ that anyone can do so.

It’s amazing to think that the Bible verse I quoted was written by the apostle Paul, who is considered the greatest missionary and theologian in church history, but who considered himself “the chief of sinners.”

A number of years ago I heard about a church whose slogan was, “No perfect people allowed.” I love it! What a great way for the church to express to potential visitors that they are welcome no matter what they have experienced in life or what issues they may be struggling with.

If you have ever thought about attending church but worried what people in the church may think, or feared you would not be welcomed, I hope you will reconsider. I believe most churches understand that they are simply a gathering of messed-up people who realize their need for God’s love and forgiveness. So, if you consider yourself imperfect, then go to church this Sunday and “join the club”!

— Steve Schofstoll is the pastor at Lind Calvary Assembly of God.


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