Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

From the Files

125 Years Ago

Adams County News

June 21, 1899

Call a halt

We feel it a duty incumbent upon us to call the attention of the authorities and citizens to the fact of danger continually confronting us by leaving teams standing unhitched on our public streets and thoroughfares. Hardly a week goes by without a runaway. So far, no serious accidents have happened, but it will not always be so. Some of these fine days they will come carrying home the lifeless form of your little one, and when it is too late you will wonder why no precaution had ever been taken.

Local and Personal

J.F. Collier came in from his fine farm twenty miles south on Rattlesnake flat Tuesday, and reported to Sheriff Hill that Mrs. John Williams had become insane.

100 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

June 19, 1924

Elevator falls with G.P. Weber at Tokio

G.P. Weber met with a painful accident last Friday at the mill company elevator at Tokio. A crew has been working there fixing the elevator and warehouse so as to be ready for the new wheat season. They were working at the top of the elevator. Mr. Weber stepped onto the hoist platform or elevator cage used to ride up and down in. Apparently the cable had broken, for the cage plunged to the bottom, a distance of 53 feet. He grabbed one of the cables, which tore the flesh from his hands. In some way he was thrown clear of the cage as it struck the bottom and escaped other injury than that to his hands.

Local Brevities

Ed Heitstuman had his hand caught in a windmill yesterday and the flesh badly torn. Dr. Bloch dressed the hand, taking a good many stitches to bind it up.

75 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

June 21, 1951

Army insists that Frankie register for the draft

A pretty 18-year-old Ritzville housewife is getting ready to barricade her doors against the army, the navy, the air force, and probably the Marine Corps too. The nation's defense establishment is insisting she register for the draft. And apparently they're going to get tough about it.

"Are you aware that you MUST register for Selective Service on or before your 18th birthday?" snarled a letter received recently by Mrs. Frankie Sitton from the Spokane Selective Service Office. "Fill out the enclosed form and return it immediately," the letter continued. "We are required to advise you that persons delinquent in the registration become subject to immediate induction." All of which is rather unfair to Frankie, who is very much a woman and can't help it a bit if her given name happens to be used more commonly for boys than for girls.

Receive degrees

Milton Paul Sackmann received a bachelor of laws degree from the University of Washington during commencement exercises Saturday, June 9. George Lyle Ball of Marengo received a bachelor of science degree in metallurgical engineering.

50 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

June 20, 1974

Football coaching post filled

Ritzville High has filled the head football and wrestling coaching positions with the hiring of Michael D. Lynch, 25. Lynch graduated from Washington State where he played varsity football. He has spent the past three years as the assistant wrestling and football coach at Castle Rock High and in addition to his coaching duties, he will also teach math and science. Lynch is married and his wife Harriet is also a teacher.

25 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

June 24, 1999

Ryan Benzel is recognized

Ryan Benzel was one of 19 University of Idaho student athletes recognized on the Big West Conference spring all-academic teams. To qualify a student athlete must be at least a sophomore, have completed at least 50 percent of his/her team's competitions and carry a minimum of a 3.2 cumulative grade point average. Benzel is a member of the U of I Men's Golf Team. He is the son of Bruce and Vicki Benzel of Ritzville.

-The Journal


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