Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

From the Files

125 Years Ago

Adams County News

May 24, 1899

Merchant Snyder has just had completed on his 80-acre farm in the suburbs, a fine well with plenty of water.

A regular old-fashioned camp meeting will be held at Tyler commencing May 25th and continuing about ten days.

Rev. Jno. Koch is having a Woodmanse windmill and pump erected on his new well this week by the Ritzville Hardware Co.

100 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

May 22, 1924

S.S. Schuler, contractor,

falls dead yesterday

S. S. Schuler, well-known contractor and builder of Ritzville, died suddenly of heart failure at the home of his son, Harry Schuler, yesterday about 1:30 p.m. Death came without warning. He had been out in the yard and he and Otto Sielaff planned to go fishing. Mr. Sielaff went to get some boat oars and Mr. Schuler arose and went into the house. When he reached kitchen he fell over. His little granddaughter saw him fall and called to the others. Mrs. Harry Schuler quickly reached his side, and Mr. Sielaff came. They summoned Dr. Bloch, who expressed the opinion that the end had come instantly.

Local Brevities

Movement of sheep to the mountain ranges has begun. The N.P. has shipped several trainloads of sheep through here. They go principally to the mountains of northern Idaho.

75 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

May 17, 1951

Kembel elected alumni

prexy at party Saturday

Richard Kembel was elected president of the Ritzville high school alumni association at the banquet honoring the classes of 1926 and 1951 Saturday evening at the grade school. Art Benzel was elected vice president, Mildred Womack secretary, Marilyn Schoesler treasurer, and Robert Danekas toastmaster.

At the Ritz:

"Wanted: a Mother," starring William Holden and Coleen Gray.

Former resident visits Ritzville

Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Coats of Route 1, Dayton, Ore., stopped in Ritzville recently on their tour of parts of eastern Washington. It was the first time Mrs. Coats had been in Ritzville in 61 years. Mrs. Coats, formerly Leeta Hewitt, is the daughter of the J.A. Hewitt who taught school here about 65 years ago.

50 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

May 23, 1974

Float takes two firsts

in Spokane

Ritzville's "Center Ring" float took first in the Torchlight parade last Thursday evening and first in the Lilac Festival parade Saturday in the Community C division. Because of generator problems during judging Saturday morning, float designer Marge Kembel said that the Ritzville crew had to run a cord to the Davenport float for power to make the large wheel in the rear of the float turn. And to provide generator power during the parade, the Hermiston, Ore. group provided Ritzville with a working generator.

Blankenship valedictorian

Washtucna – Danny Blankenship is valedictorian of the senior class of the Washtucna High School. Co-salutatorians are Laurie Sullivan and Debbie Hodgson.

25 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

May 27, 1999

Roth receives music degree

Nicholas Michael Roth, a 1995 graduate of Ritzville High School, received his bachelor of music degree from Berklee College of Music, in Boston, MA, on May 8. He majored in music production and engineering. Roth received his diploma from David Bowie, who was the guest speaker for commencement. Roth is the son of Randy and Shirley Roth of Ritzville.

Contract to upgrade inmate calling system

Telephones that don't work and limited long distance service soon will be replaced at the Adams County Jail. The Adams County Commissioners signed an agreement with Gateway Technologies, Inc., on Monday to replace the current phone contract in use at the jail. All calls placed by inmates will be made on a "collect" system with charges paid by those receiving the call, both local and long distance.

-The Journal


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