Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Bronco girls fall short

Asotin visits Saturday for a doubleheader

SPANGLE — The Lind-Ritzville/Sprague girls fastpitch softball team fell one run short in each game of a doubleheader Friday, April 9, against the undefeated Northeast 2B league rival, Liberty.

The Lancers (11-0, 10-0 in league) edged the Broncos, 5-4 and 4-3, in a doubleheader.

In the opener, both teams remained scoreless until the bottom of the third inning, when Liberty got a runner home. The Lancers would add for more runs to lead 5-0 at the bottom of the 6th.

A 7th inning rally brought four Broncos in for a score, but not enough to tie the game or take the win.

The Broncos had 1 hit and 1...


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