Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
125 Years Ago
Adams County News
March 29, 1899
Arrests are in order
N.P. Agent L.E. Paskill informs us that the railroad officials are somewhat exercised for the safety of the young boys who monkey about the tracks near the depot, and the chances are that a wholesale slaughter will occur one of these days if they do not keep off the right of way. Warning seems to effect nothing.
Yesterday a fast train was bombarded with stones that flew like hail breaking the window on the engine and severely cutting the face of the engineer. It is high time for the parents to make a raid on these youngsters; otherwise the town will soon have a hard reputation. The N.P. superintendent states that if a halt is not called, arrests will be in order and they will take up the matter in the courts.
Local and Personal
Billy King and Ortho Dorman have been spinning around town lately in a nice new buggy behind a spanking pair of bays. Both are single young men.
100 Years Ago
Ritzville-Journal Times
March 27, 1924
Breaks leg in a jump from wagon
Will G. Danekas suffered a fracture of both bones of the left leg Tuesday morning when his team ran off at the Ritzville Warehouse Company yards and he jumped from the wagon. Mr. Danekas drove a six horse team to town hitched to a wagon filled with wheat in bulk and a similar wagon as a trailer.
He had dumped the first load and was engaged in dumping the second box-full when the team became frightened at the incoming passenger train and started to make the turn to the right down the incline from the unloading platform. Will was in the rear wagon but jumped out to try to head them off. The horses were going too fast so he grabbed the wagon again and climbed in.
The horses raced on and he saw he couldn't stop them so jumped from the wagon. His feet struck the ground in such a way that the leg was twisted and his weight broke the bones in the left leg.
75 Years Ago
Ritzville-Journal Times
March 31, 1949
Church fund in garage removed by crooks here
About $30 in Philadelphia Congregational Church collection funds was stolen from the Gearhart Motor Company office Monday night by one or more thieves who forced the back door to the garage. The money had been in the desk drawer of Larry Maier, Gearhart employee who is treasurer of the church.
Other desk drawers were searched by the thieves but nothing else was reported missing. John Hoefel, service manager, reported the incident when he arrived for work at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday. Chief of Police Harry Davenport and Sheriff Frank Lucas investigated.
At the Ritz:
"Night has a Thousand Eyes," starring Edward G. Robinson, Gail Russell, and John Lund.
50 Years Ago
Ritzville-Journal Times
March 28, 1974
Golf units review remodeling plans
The men's and women's golf associations met jointly Sunday evening at the golf clubhouse to review plans for the remodeling and redecorating of the clubhouse. Among other areas, the plans call for the ramps leading to the basement to be removed and one stairway to be installed. The hand-pulled golf carts formerly kept in lockers in the basement will be located in the cart shed. Smaller lockers for clothes and shoes in the men's and women's area eventually will be installed.
At the Ritz:
John Wayne starring in "McQ."
25 Years Ago
Ritzville-Journal Times
April 1, 1999
News program on Ritzville TV
A 30-minute news program covering activities at Ritzville High School will be broadcast on Ritzville TV, also known as RTV, channel 44, this Friday, April 2, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Reporters for the news segments include Kayla Katsel, David Pray, Luke Clark, Jarrod Olson and Marie Newton.
- The Journal
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