Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887


125 Years Ago

Adams County News

March 1, 1899

Local and Personal

Clarence Hays, clerk in the Hotel Ritzville, had the misfortune to lose the index finger of his left hand Monday morning while splitting kindling wood with an axe. Dr. Adams dressed the wound and the young man is getting along nicely.

Our Public Schools

The pupils of the grammar room had an exercise Friday afternoon in memory of the venerable Alex. Hamilton, which consisted of biographical sketches and other useful information. A few pupils have to leave school to assist in work on the farm. It is discouraging to leave without completing any studies, and be obliged to go over the same work next year with a lower grade. Those who can remain in school should appreciate their opportunities and try to accomplish as much as possible. It is a duty they owe to their parents.

100 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

February 28, 1924

Pool fund tops $5,000

At the commercial club luncheon yesterday noon it was reported that $5,000 had been raised for the swimming pool. Of this amount $4,500 was in cash and the other $500 would be in soon. John Ott, chairman of the finance committee, stated that it was anticipated that an additional $2,000 would come in from parties whose subscriptions had not yet been received. Most of the receipts so far have been from Ritzville people. A few of the farmers have contributed but not many have been solicited.

75 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

March 3, 1949

Reiker to build new city garage

Two garages instead of one will be built this year on Adams Street between the highway and the railroad tracks. Last week Pete Greenwalt announced he would construct a garage in that block to replace his burned-out structure on the flats, and this Tuesday Chris Rieker, Ritzville Studebaker dealer, disclosed plans to build a new garage in the same block but across the street from Greenwalt's.

Post-war building boom adds beautiful new homes to Ritzville residential areas

Wheat money is making Ritzville a city of beautiful homes far above average. Since the end of the war at least 30 new homes have been built in Ritzville. Many of these are in the $15,000 to $25,000 bracket-completely modern homes equipped with several thousand dollars' worth of new furniture and time-saving electrical appliances. Construction costs remain high, though now may be in a process of tapering off, but incomes are high, too. Practically all of the homes were built by families who had enough of waiting during the war and decided the sky-high price tags on construction labor and materials would be worth the outlay anyway.

At the Ritz:

"Let's Live a Little," starring Hedy Lamarr and Robert Cummings.

50 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

February 28, 1974

Mark Schoesler named

U.S. 4-H confab delegate

Mark Schoesler, 17, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schoesler has been named as one of the four Washington delegates to the national 4-H conference this year in Washington, D.C. Schoesler, a Ritzville High School junior, learned of his selection Monday morning. He had been interviewed for the nomination in Ellensburg Friday night by 4-H representatives.

25 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

March 4, 1999

Lutheran women put

together 190 quilts

The ladies of Emanuel Lutheran Church have been making quilts for Lutheran World Relief for approximately 45 years. These quilts are put together during the months of January and February to be sent around the world, including the United States. As an example, during 1998, 7,000 quilts were sent to Honduran hurricane survivors. This year has been an exceptional one with over 190 quilts being made. A certain number will be kept for local use in our area to provide a warm cover when needed.

- The Journal


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