Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887


125 Years Ago

Adams County News

February 15, 1899

Police court – Two men giving their names as James Carroll and Chas. Follard were each fined $50 and trimmings and sentenced to thirty days for stealing two overcoats from the general store of Myers & Shipman about ten o'clock Tuesday morning. The trial was held before Justice F.P. French.

Local and Personal

Gustave Saillard, who has been on trial for some weeks past for the brutal murder of his mistress, has been acquitted. Only four ballots were taken. The police still think Saillard guilty, and as a result of his acquittal, declare that they will now run every man of his character out of Spokane.

100 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

February 14, 1924

Grade pupils plan program

The pupils of the grade schools will present a patriotic program at the Community Hall the night of February 22nd. Teachers and pupils have been working hard to get ready for the event. There will be drills, recitations and musical numbers.

Local Brevities

Al Bailey went up to Spokane Monday and returned Tuesday with a cook, Mrs. Bailey being ill and unable to attend to household duties.

The Married Folks dance will be held at the Odd Fellows hall tonight. Brady's orchestra, which will furnish the music, will appear for the first time in their new dress suits.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ott entertained at a six course dinner last night at their home. Covers were laid for twelve. Beautiful Valentine decorations marked the appointments. Bridge was played after the dinner. Mrs. J.P. Danekas won high honors and Will Thiel the low.

75 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

February 17, 1949

Flood waters wash

through 'Flats'

A 50-mile-an-hour warm wind from the southwest turned snow into water this week, creating floods which caused thousands of dollars' worth of damage over most of Adams County. Residents of the "chronic" flood areas in Ritzville woke Thursday morning to find water at its highest level yet. Homes in the flats and along the foot of College hill were particularly hard hit.

Peak of the flood condition in Ritzville was reached in the "flats" just beyond West Birch Street where swirling currents of water three to five feet deep poured across four city blocks. The "waves," stirred by the gusty wind, lapped against front and back doorways and splashed over the running boards of parked automobiles. Water swirled under the Division Street bridge with the intensity of a small rapids. Homes of Rudy Thaut, Clarence Miller, Reuben Batt, Harley Dirks, Shorty Werner, Johnny Johnson, Berthold Koch, and at least a dozen others were completely surrounded by two or three feet of water.

At the Ritz:

"The Strawberry Roan," starring Gene Autry and Champion.

50 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

February 14, 1974

Crane lifts new

showers into jail

A crane this week lifted new shower units into the Adams County Jail through its window openings, the only feasible means of entry. Old showers, which were rusted, were removed by personnel of Senna Service, Inc., Spokane. The expenses for the new showers and a replacement toilet were in the sheriff's department budget for 1974. It became evident the only way in for the new showers was by the window openings.

25 Years Ago

Ritzville-Journal Times

February 18, 1999

City council approves

funds for Blues Fest

The Ritzville Blues Fest will receive $20,000 in 110 Tourism Funds to operate its 1999 event slated for July 10. The Blues Fest committee, under the auspices of the Ritzville Area Chamber of Commerce, had requested the funds, reduced from the $36,000 granted the festival in 1998, with a no-pay-back option.

- The Journal


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