Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
Town of Washtucna Main Well
Description of proposal:
The Town of Washtucna proposes
to deepen their Main
Well (which experienced a mechanical
failure due to increased
drawdown in September 2020)
to increase available drawdown
and increase water flow from
the basalt aquifer. After deepening
the well the Town plans
to replace all or portions of the
piping, electrical components,
and pump house structure that
have reached the end of their
service life. In order to fund the
proposed improvements the
Town has secured funding from
the following sources: Community
Development Block Grant
(CDBG). The proposed project
would likely be constructed
in two phases: 1) Deepening
the Existing Town Well and
2) Improvements to the pump
station. These two phases are
discussed below.
Ground disturbing activities are
expected within the footprint
of the pump station and some
trenching for connection to the
water distribution system and
for a discharge line for flushing
from the well.
Deepen Town Well: Construction
will consist of deepening the
existing well by drilling approximately
800 vertical feet or until
a change in the aquifer level is
encountered. The finished well
may be as deep as approximately
1,300 feet in order to
maximize available drawdown
and inflow into the well.
Construct pump station for Town
Well: Once the well deepening
and well testing is complete the
pump house improvements will
be designed and constructed
based on the capacity of the
deepened well. This will consist
of one approximately 25 ft x 20
ft well pump station (houses
well pump, electrical, controls,
piping, appurtenances, etc)
and installation of a buried,
≈ 8-inch PVC or Ductile Iron
(DI) main from the well pump
station to the City’s existing
distribution system. The City’s
distribution system is relatively
close (approximately 100 LF).
The City will also construct an
approximately 8-inch buried
flushing piping that will daylight
to a nearby drainage way (approx.
150 LF).
Proponent: Town of Washtucna
Location of proposal:
165 North Columbia River Lane
Lead Agency: Town of Washtucna
The lead agency for this proposal
has determined that it does
not have a probable significant
adverse impact on the environment.
An environmental impact
statement (EIS) is not required
under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)
(c). This decision was made
after review of a completed
environmental checklist and
other information on file with
the lead agency. This information
is available to the public
on request.
There is no comment period
for this DNS.
This DNS is issued after using
the optional DNS process
in WAC 197-11-355. There is
no further comment period on
the DNS.
X This DNS is issued under
WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead
agency will not act on this
proposal for at least 14 days
from the date of publication
(11/29/23). Comments must be
submitted by 12/13/23.
Responsible official: Teresa
Position/title: Clerk-Treasurer
Phone: (509) 646-3253
165 NE Main St.
Washtucna, WA 99371
You may appeal this determination
in writing to the Town
of Washtucna Council at 165
NE Main St., Washtucna, WA
99371 no later than 12/13/23
(14 days from the date of this
publication). Only specific, factual
objections will be accepted
Published November 29 and
December 6, 2023
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