Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887





Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080,

notice is hereby given that Adams

County did on October 23,

2023, make a Determination of

Nonsignificance (DNS), for the

following application.

Description of proposal: Adams

County Building and Planning

a SEPA checklist for The Gemstone

(US-WA-5188) project

for the proposed construction

of a 190-ft AGL (194-ft AGL

overall) self-support telecommunications

tower, its associated

50-ft x 50-ft fenced tower

compound, a vehicle turnaround

area measuring approx. 12-ft x

20-ft, and an access & utility

easement measuring approx.

30-ft x 2,522-ft. Total approx.

disturbance is anticipated to be

78,400-sq.ft. (~1.8-acres).

Proponent: VB BTS II, LLC

c/o Justin Owen,

750 park commerce Drive Suite


Boca Raton, FL 33487

Site Location:

The proposed self-support communications

tower facility is

to be located east of a portion

of S. Lucy Rd., east of the

Town of Othello, in Adams

County, Washington (APN#

2530120200001). The proposed

tower centerline is located within

the NW ¼ of Section 12, Township

15N, Range 30E, Willamette


Lead Agency: Adams County

Planning Department

Adams County has determined

that this proposal will not have

a probable significant adverse

impact on the environment. An

environmental impact statement

(EIS) is not required under RCW

43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision

was made after the review of

a completed environmental

checklist and other information

on file with the lead agency. This

information is available to the

public upon request.

Threshold Determination:

{X} This DNS is issued under

197-11-340 (2); the lead agency

will not act on this proposal for

14 days from November 01,


Comments must be submitted

no later than November 20,

2023, for this DNS.

Copies of the SEPA checklist

and other documentation are

available through the Adams

County Website at https://www.

co.adams.wa.us/ or the Adams

County Building and Planning

Department located at 449 E

Cedar Blvd, Othello, Washington

99344, 509-488-9441.

Pursuant to WAC 197-11-

340(2), Adams County will not

act on this proposal for 14 days

from October 11, 2023. Timely

comments on this threshold

determination must be received

no later than 4:00 PM, October

31, 2023.

S/Adams County Planning Dept.

To be published in the Ritzville

Journal, Wednesday, November

01, 2023, and Wednesday, November

08, 2023


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