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Local man pleads guilty to trespass charges

RITZVILLE – On the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 4, Brian Packer (aka Brian Massey) appeared at a hearing before Judge Andrea Russell in the Adams County District Court.

Packer was transported to the courtroom from a jail in Franklin County, where he has been incarcerated since his arrest last July.

He sat next to his defense attorney and faced the judge in red-striped jail garb.

Packer’s probation officer was in attendance, as was City Prosecuting Attorney Michael R. Addams via video link.

As previously reported in The Journal, Brian Massey (Packer) was arrested in September 2021 on a probable cause of trespassing at the Ritzville Golf Course. At that time, he also had numerous outstanding warrants involving alleged harassment, malicious mischief and possessing a dangerous weapon.

At Wednesday’s hearing, Packer pled guilty to three criminal trespass violations.

The attorneys agreed to give him credit for serving 77 days of jail time since his arrest on July 20, 2023. The judge also stipulated that he would be on supervised probation for the next 24 months and must stay away from “all properties mentioned in all files.”

Those properties — all in Ritzville — included 601 E. Main Street, 505 S. Jefferson St., and 607 S. Washington St.

Packer also agreed to “no use, possession, or consumption” of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs. The judge also required Packer to be evaluated for substance abuse and mental health issues.

“Ultimately, what the city wants is Mr. Packer to not be trespassing in various yards and properties and the golf course,” Addams said.

“It appears Mr. Packer has had a long time to think about these charges and their consequences,” his defense attorney said. “If he enrolls in treatment, he should be able to get his life back on track and not trespass anymore. We believe this agreement is fair and equitable.”

The defendant offfered his comments.

“I just feel like this town don’t like me,” Packer said. “I just walk around. I’m not trying to steal nothing.

“I made a mistake by stealing something when I first got here, but I feel like you guys are biased toward me now.

“I passed a mental health evaluation. I volunteered to go to treatment. I will do this for the court, but I feel I need to leave Ritzville because you guys don’t want me here at all.

“I will stay in my house from now on. I won’t go outside. As soon as I’m done with treatment, I will transfer somewhere else. I’ve been clean and sober for 20 months now.”

“Good. I hope you maintain that,” Judge Russell said. “You’re a 35-year-old man who has at least 35 convictions. You need follow-up; you need structure. “I am ordering you, however, to stay at least 50 feet away from the properties involved in this case.

“It may seem like a small deal to you, but it’s not a small deal. It’s very alarming to see someone you don’t know on your property.”


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