Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080,
notice is hereby given that
Adams County did on March 8,
2023 make a Determination of
Nonsignificance (DNS) for the
following non-project action: Adams
County Multi-Jurisdictional
Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Adams
County Multi-Jurisdictional
Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP)
is a document that outlines
the risks of natural hazards
within Adams County. The
HMP was prepared through
a stakeholder committee process
with representation from
the county, cities/towns, special
districts and members of
the public. The stakeholder
committee developed goals
and objectives to reduce Adams
County’s risk to natural
The HMP includes information
about the risk, exposure, and
vulnerability of the planning area
to dam failure, drought, flooding,
earthquake, landslide, severe
weather and wildfire. Based on
the risk assessment, the HMP
identifies mitigation actions that
can be implemented to reduce
risks and damage from natural
This DNS is issued under 197-
11-340 (2). The lead agency will
not act on this proposal for 14
Days. The pubic is encouraged
to provide input on the draft
plan during the 14-day comment
period which begins on March
8, 2023 and ends on March
22, 2023. A brief presentation
of the draft plan will be held at
the Adams County Board of
County Commissioner’s meeting
on Wednesday March 15th
at 9:30am. The draft plan can
be downloaded at the County’s
Emergency Management website:
S/Adams County Planning Dept.
To be published in the Ritzv
i l l e J o u r n a l , Wednesday,
March 08, 2023 and
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
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