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Health office shares tuberculosis concerns

RITZVILLE – The rise in tuberculosis cases in Washington state has the Adams County health officer concerned.

During a Wednesday, May 11, meeting with county commissioners serving as the board of health, Dr. Alex Brzezny discussed his concerns.

Tuberculosis cases are rising in the state, including Adams County, Brzezny said. At issue is the care and handling of patients in the county jail, and also monitoring patients who may not cooperate with treatment, after they are released.

Adams County Sheriff Dale Wagner was also present for the discussion. As sheriff, he oversees jail operations.

Ankle bracelets and other methods of monitoring the whereabouts of an uncooperative patient, and ensuring the treatments are administered was discussed.

Adams County Prosecuting Attorney Randy Flyckt scheduled a meeting with Superior Court Judge Steve Dixon and Court Clerk Catherine Sloan to discuss handing of those patients.

Tuberculosis is not as contagious as COVID-19, but treatment can take much longer after the patient is no longer infectious, Brzezny said. A patient may be no longer infectious after about six days, but a regimen of drug treatments are required for up to 270 days to rid the patient of the disease.

People who are homeless or lead high-risk life styles, including drug use, are at risk of contracting and spreading the disease, he said. People who are incarcerated, as well as those who work in prisons or shelters are also at increased risk.


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