Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Letters to the Editor

We have to get back to normal

The masking at schools and inside public places, regardless of vaccination status, is very questionable.

The one-size fits all approach (typical of government) should not apply to our rural, sparsely populations areas, especially those with small numbers of students and classisizes.

Again, the medical people, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health, etc., are being overly cautious and unrealistic.

Supposedly, some 600,000 people, mostly elderly, died from COVID-19 in the U.S. With some 320 million people, that’s only about 0.18%.

What about cancer, heart failure, influenza, abortion, suicide, gross anxiety or drug-caused deaths?

Myself, I know of two cases of natural causes that the state wanted to list as COVID deaths. Several people swear hospitals get money for COVID deaths.

It seems like Gov. Inslee has exceeded his executive power, again.

I and others question the transgenderness, the early sex education, state education mandates, etc. Where’s local control and input?

Again, everyone must contact your elected politician and politically connection persons. We must return to normal.

Errol Kramer

– Odessa

Mayor Kadlec brings control, civility

I have attended any Ritzville City Council meetings in the 22 years I have lived here. The mayors and members of the City Council have done significant harm to this community during this time, along with the good.

Until the recent primary election, I had not voted for Linda Kadlec, and would have bet I would never vote for Linda Kadlec. But I did vote for her in the primary, and will do so again, shortly.

Why vote for Linda Kadlec now? I happen to like the current Linda Kadlec. She has brought order and civility to the City Council.

There was serious unprofessional behavior on the part of the previous mayor and one of the current council members that occurred while council meetings were held on line during the lockdown. The other council members chose to remain silent. This was no small matter and there is independent witness.

Behavior of this sort is not allowed by Mayor Kadlec. The long-winded council member has been considerably restrained and the individual referred to allow has been unable to force Mayor Kadlec to bend to do that council member’s bidding. This, too, is no small matter.

If Linda Kadlec is not elected mayor, Ritzville’s version of the Washington, D.C., swamp will, in my opinion, effectively be in charge of city government.

Attend a City Council meeting, which are the first and third Tuesdays. You will see this council member.

You may listen too, but be unable to hear the council member, as the member speaks very softly.

Barry Boyer

– Ritzville

Vote for Paula Bell to remain mayor

Have you ever heard information presented to you that was wrong? I have.

In the beginning, a lot of information about Paula Bell fostered a dislike of our mayor for me. Over time, I came to see that it was wrong, not only inaccurate, but a bunch of gossip.

As time has gone on, I have learned to respect her point-of-view, even if it disagrees with my own.

Since Paula Bell has been in office, she has worked to present all items for the Town Council’s consideration. She has also been available in the office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily to serve all town residents, and after hours to answer alarms and address any and all situations.

I think this town of Lind would be hard-pressed to replaced the present mayor, Paula Bell.

James N. Dworshak

– Lind


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