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Stinnett, Miller join city staff
LIND - Brandon Stinnett and Chris Miller are the city's newest Public Works Department employees.
The two were chosen out of four applicants, officials said.
Mayor Paula Bell reported on an executive session last month that gave council members the opportunity to review the applicants.
According to city officials, Councilwoman Rose Elkington suggested hiring Stinnett, as she was impressed with his military background and "ambitious attitude."
Councilwoman Kathy Vedder suggested hiring two new employees.
Councilman Richard Baldwin suggested hiring Andrew Monnin, as well.
"He is young and has mechanical skills," Baldwin said.
Bell expressed gratitude to shop Supervisor David Christian for "stepping up."
"He has done well on his own," Bell said.
The council then agreed to give Christian a raise, as well as hire Stinnett and Miller.
The new employees will be paid $15 per hour; Christian makes $15.25.
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