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Lind Town Council approves 2019 budget

The Lind Town Council meeting on Dec. 11 was called to order by Mayor Paula Bell at 7:04 p.m. A public meeting to review the Town Budget had occurred in the hour before in which the usual openings—Pledge of Allegiance and determination of a quorum—had taken place. There was discussion relating to the proposed 2019 budget, however no specific action on the budget took place in that meeting.

Councilmember Rose Elkington was excused from the Council meeting due to illness. Otherwise, all other Councilmembers were present: Councilmembers Kathy Vedder, Richard Baldwin, Jim Dworshak, and Myra Horton. Clerk/Treasurer Kylie Buell was present as well. The Council minutes from the Nov. 27 regular meeting were individually read, and unanimously approved (Council member Vedder’s motion, seconded by Council member Horton).

Mayor Bell informed the Council that Strata is no longer needing an easement from the town to bore under 8th Street, as Strata had abandoned the plan which required the easement.

Mayor Bell introduced discussion of Ordinance 1808 (amending monthly water rates). There was considerable discussion over a community member’s question regarding compensation from the Town for apparent overcharges on water invoices. While there was reason to indicate a slight overcharge, Councilmember Dworshak did a quick analysis, which suggested that the amount would be one tenth of one percent. The Council left a potential refund discussion for a later time and more precise analysis. Council’s approval to adopt Ordinance 1808 for a 1.73 percent water rates increase was unanimous.

Mayor Bell introduced discussion of Ordinance 1809 (regarding 2019 sewer rates and charges), which amends Ordinance 1106. Mayor Bell noted that sewer invoices are due on the first of each month and delinquent if not paid by the 20th. Twelve percent interest is charged after the last day of the month. The 1809 Ordinance was adopted unanimously.

Mayor Bell introduced the 2019 Town Budget for approval (Ordinance 1810). The budget amount is $1,865,992.76—revenue and expenses balanced. Councilmember Baldwin moved to approve, Councilmember Horton seconded, and the 2019 budget Ordinance 1810 was adopted.

Mayor Paula Bell read a card from Thomas Short of the “Palouse to Cascades Trail” Coalition thanking the Town of Lind for the hospitality and welcome when his group passed through Lind on the Trail (formerly named the “John Wayne Trail”). His group will be passing through Lind again on May 24.

Mayor Bell informed the Council that she has talked to Rod Melcher regarding the Airport Farm Lease. The Town had paid for a percentage of the fertilizer for the Airport wheat fields in 2017 and 2018, which is not what the lease agreement stated. Mr. Melcher was to cover 100% of the cost and has reimbursed the Town.

Mayor Bell updated the Council regarding a vehicle that was abandoned on Town property at the airport. Mayor Bell has been in touch with the owner who is making arrangements to remove the vehicle.

Mayor Bell also updated the Council on the sewer plant. CenturyLink has been working on the phone lines. Joe Pessutti is working with Control Freeks regarding computer issues at the plant. The mayor also made aware that Mr. Pessutti anticipates upgrading or replacing some well pumps. He also is seeking to determine why the generator at Well 8 did not start up during the recent power outage. He said Cummins will check for the problem; it’s on their schedule. Meanwhile the Town is looking for a second option (however it was noted that there are only two companies available to do that sort of work). A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of the fuel having gone bad, which can be a problem for motors which are seldom activated. It was agreed that the generators need to be started and run for a while on a regular basis.

Mayor Bell requested Council approval to reimburse her for paying Michael Gering for generator diesel that he provided to the Town during the power outage. Councilmember Baldwin made a motion to reimburse Mayor Bell $147.70, which she paid out of her own funds on behalf of the Town. Councilmember Dworshak seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

The Council was advised that it was time to discuss Mayor Pro-Tem. Councilmember Horton then moved to have Councilmember Vedder continue as Mayor Pro-Tem for the first six months of 2019. Council member Baldwin seconded. Motion carried unanimously and Council member Vedder agreed to serve.

The Council reviewed warrants from Nov. 27 to Dec. 10. Totals: $26,908.82. Councilmember Vedder moved to approve payment for pending invoices as listed, and the motion carried unanimously.

Also during the council meeting, a community member expressed a complaint to the Council concerning letters received from the Town regarding her barking dog and other issues. She asked what the Town was going to do to stop the barking problem. After an extended discussion on training dogs not to bark at inconsiderate hours, a suggestion was made that she consider research to find a “dog whisperer” to see if that could help.

The Council meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The Lind Town Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Town Hall. Due to Christmas falling on the fourth Tuesday this month, the next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 26.


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