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Eighth grade promotion celebrates student achievements

PROMOTION. Lind-Ritzville Middle School eighth grade students were honored at the annual promotion ceremony on Wednesday, June 6, in Lind. Promoting students who attended the ceremony were (back row, from left) Annika Holland, Owen Telecky, Dakota Killian, Jessica Ruse, Ana Cruz, Maddox Huitron, Jacob Carruth, Sage Teal, Alexis Melcher and Braden Verhey. Middle row: Joseph Arroyo, Sydney Kinch, Baylor Moore, Collette Nichols, Lynda Dietrich, Lauren Miller, Dessierea Burton, RebaAnn Dean and Melody Beliz. Front row: Angel Rodriguez, Daniella Oliva, Katherine Butler, Amy Anderson, Kaiden Bell, Kylie De Meurers, Brenda Hernandez, Johnny Ryan and Kaylee Monroe. -Journal photo by Al Stover


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