Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
None of you have a problem with me pitching a tent on your front lawns, do you? Since none of you seem to have a problem with illegal immigration (aliens); you couldn’t possibly object, right?
Once I get my tent sent up; please be sure to leave your front door unlocked. After all, I will need to take a shower, do laundry; and, oh, be sure to stock your refrigerator. I will need something to eat. You don’t mind do you?
When you go into to town, be sure and pick me up a bus pass and I’ll need you to pick me up some personal supplies. And don’t mind the mess, I’m sure you have someone, like your gardener, who will clean up after me.
Oh by the way, next month my cousins will be joining me, you’ll need to get me a bigger tent. You don’t mind buying that for me, do you?
We’ll try to keep the noise down, but I can’t make any promises. You weren’t home and we needed some things. We pawned some of your stuff, but we promise to pay you back, you don’t mind, do you?
What? Your neighbors are complaining... they must be racists! A couple of them told you their houses were broken into? That wasn’t me or my cousins, we wouldn’t do that. They’re just racists! What do you mean, private property? You’re going to call the Sheriff? Why, we haven’t done anything. I thought you wanted us here; you’ve told everyone we’re welcome and we make your lives better. So, you want me leave “your” private property?
Many are aware of the agenda that drives all our politicians; it certainly isn’t the citizenry.
Big business, i.e., Microsoft for one (which has reduced the number of Washington State workers by the thousands), continues to hire via H1-B visas, paying foreigners one fourth to one third what they would pay American workers; and is one of many in this state.
Of course, our politicians pander to big donors. All the while, stepping on the backs of the working class. Do they really “care” about the legal citizens of this state? In every sense of the word, NO!
To summarize... The State of Washington belongs to its legal citizens. Only, its legal citizens. Senators Murray and Cantwell, according to their records, have done little to improve economic growth, reduce crime rates, or create jobs for the middle class in the State of Washington. There are voices beyond Puget Sound! Try listening to us instead of big business. Isn’t that what “we, the citizens” elected you to do?
Diane Perry, Ritzville
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