Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Community Directory updates requested for 2017 publication

The Journal is currently in the process of updating and creating the 2017 Community Directory for the Benge, Lind, Ritzville and Washtucna businesses, organizations and churches.

The directory provides locals with information regarding government, businesses, organizations and churches that can be found in eastern Adams County.

Those individuals and businesses listed in the directory that have new information, or would like to change part of their listing, are asked to contact Haley Roybal at The Journal office at 659-1020 or by email at [email protected].

For placing an advertisement in the directory, contact the office at 659-1020. The directory is published once a year and distributed throughout the county.

The deadline for submissions is Jan. 31. Previous copies of the Community Directory are available at The Journal office.


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