Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
Congratulations Ritzville you came through again. The four-day garage/rummage sale for The Ritz Theater, held at the Lions Club in June, was a huge success thanks to all of your donations and purchases. The main hall was full of all kinds of stuff (on tables/under tables/in boxes) and the side room was full of good furniture.
Thanks to my team, (Yvonne Anderson, Jim Cobb, Lee Egnew, Carly and Liz Gillette, Pud Iltz, Kim Lantis, Janet and Don Sanger, Marge Schoessler and Marsha Smith), for getting it all set up and sold.
A special thanks to Jim Cobb for all the fixing, making certain all the electrical items worked, polishing, picking up and delivering.
Also, a special thanks to Vonnie Messerschmidt for the wonderful rhubarb muffins that kept us going, after 2 p.m. each day, as we were all running out of energy.
From the sale we made $8,050 plus we had cash donations of $2,650 for a total of $10,700. Good job Ritzville!!!
The money this year will go to keep the theater open as we cannot make it on the movies alone (we need more people to attend) as the movie providers charge such a large percentage for the movies. Plus the money will go to help with maintenance on the old swamp cooler, boiler, etc. etc. etc.
The left over items went to the Nazarene Church Youth/Goodwill where they were paid so much a pound.
Between our leftovers and other Ritzville Annual Garage Sale leftovers they made enough money to pay all of their kids Summer Bible Camp. Their group did an awesome job also.
Thank you again Ritzville and surrounding areas for your help with donations and purchasing, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Beverly Cobb, Ritzville
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