Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

School levy should have been edited

Prior to the recent special election, we were told that the only reason why the Ritzville levy did not pass the first time was because some of the citizens did not understand how necessary everything in that levy was.

We were told that if that levy did not pass, children would freeze in the winter, would faint from the heat in spring and autumn, and the buildings would soon be falling down around them.

In fact, the situation is so dire that refusing to pass the omnibus levy, because it also included funds for the construction of a third gym and/or because one questions whether the buildings have been properly maintained before now, is just well, ignorant.

Well, the omnibus levy failed again. What is interesting is that we now hear that the school can not even ask those citizens, until next year, if they are willing to pass a levy that would save our children from those dire conditions without a third gym and in spite of reservations regarding whether there has been proper maintenance.

If the conditions are so dire, why risk the health and safety of children on the assumption that some of the citizens are just ignorant. Why not use the final opportunity to give those citizens the ability to provide the funds needed to resolve those dire conditions and deal with the third gym later. It makes me wonder who really are the ignorant people in the Ritzville School District.

Dave Miller, Ritzville


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