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Eighth Grade Move Up Day Successful

Transitioning from one chapter to the next is a daunting process, but exciting nevertheless. After students of Lind-Ritzville High School (LRHS) said goodbye to their graduating seniors, a new group of students—the Class of 2019— was welcomed into the school to take their place.

Two days prior to the students’ release for summer break, Eighth Grade Move Up Day saw next fall’s freshmen class gather at LRHS to become acquainted with the halls and faces they will spend the next four years with. Ultimately, the move up day was aimed at making the students’ transitions from junior high to high school smoother.

Donna Koch, Associated Student Body (ASB) advisor at LRHS, helped to manage and organize move up day.

She said, “Move up day is the first official activity planned and executed by the newly elected ASB officers. The eighth graders take part in an all school assembly where they meet the staff, learn about high school clubs and sports, practice class chants with the new cheerleaders and participate in team building games. Eighth graders also tour the school facilities including the ag shop, cafeteria, and gym.”

Upperclassmen were selected to welcome and guide the incoming students. Koch continued, “Throughout the day, student mentors answered any questions the eighth graders had, and explained expectations such as dress code, athletic policy and ineligibility.”

Move up day has been a successful part of students’ transitions from middle school to high school for several years.

“The purpose of move up day,” Koch explained, “is to alleviate any worries or concerns students may have about coming to high school in the fall... They also will begin the new school year recognizing familiar faces of staff and students that they met in the spring.”

Many of the rising freshmen found the day to be helpful.

Cinthia Guizar said, "I'm mostly excited just to experience the high school life. I’m also excited about meeting new people, people I probably wouldn’t have met staying in Lind. I’m not exactly nervous, just anxious about being a freshman.”

Brooke Koch is looking forward to “playing volleyball and having more opportunities in FFA.” She said she is most nervous about being somewhere different: “I have never been to school in Ritzville, so everything is new to me... It will take a little while to get used to everything, my favorite part of move up day was hanging out in the pit and talking with everyone at lunch because we got to see how everyone acts around there.”

Kierstin Witt said, “I’m definitely most excited for sports and other extracurricular <activities>, like FFA, and the opportunities they provide. I’m most nervous about my scheduling and having the classes that are right for me.”

As students enter into summer vacation, next fall’s freshman class is more confident in moving up to high school. Donna Koch concluded, “The biggest transition eighth graders may have in starting high school is the realization that everything counts from this point forward (i.e. grades for college, scholarships, etc.). They grow in maturity in their first year of high school as they learn that they are closer to being an adult than to being a child and they begin planning for their future beyond high school.


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