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The Lind Town Council met for a regular meeting Tuesday, March 24. Unfinished business included updates on the well projects by Don Pawluk. New business consisted of updates regarding work on the Nielson Road waterline project, claims approval and project pay requests.
The meeting began with an announcement from Pawluk regarding the third public meeting for the Ecology Stormwater grant. This meeting will be held Wednesday, April 22, at the Lind-Ritzville Middle School Cafeteria in Lind.
The meeting will discuss the project overview, funding offer, projected impact to rates and recommended next steps. As a public meeting, Pawluk encouraged all council members and attendees to encourage fellow community members to attend.
Pawluk then moved on to the updates on the well rehabilitation projects. He reported the Well Rehabilitation Project is moving along at scheduled pace and has had no substantial issues.
Well No. 7 received the approval for the building removal and electrical work on the well will begin April 1 with the project completion expected by April 24.
Beginning Monday, March 30, the building at Well No. 6 was removed. The motor pump and well column were removed on Tuesday, March 31.
A change order for the Well Rehabilitation project was discussed and carried through by council. The approved change order increased the contract price by $1,360 from the original contracted price. Pawluk explained to the council the increase is for an important pressure gauge and monitoring system, exhaust fan, and additional ductwork.
Council also carried the motion to pay the invoice for the rehabilitation work previously conducted through Feb. 6, totaling $4,183.74.
Mayor Jaime Schmunk provided an update on the Neilson Road waterline project is keeping city workers busy with the removal of old valves and unusable parts. The waterline for the two households on Neilson requires workers to take safety precautions as the depth of the construction reaches nine feet.
The waterline project is expected to reach completion by the end of the week. The city will allow a couple weeks for the ground to settle and additional gravel to be added if needed before paving the area and completing the entire project within a month’s time.
Because of the intensity and safety precautions needed for this project, the city workers are working on spraying around town as time allows. Also, discussion about the numerous potholes throughout the town of Lind will be added on the list and attended to as time becomes available.
During claims approval a few issues arose regarding reimbursement for a meal and hotel from a convention Schmunk took earlier in the year.
Council member Paula Bell was uncertain and concerned that the receipts from the mayor’s trip weren’t turned in by the appropriate deadline. It was confirmed the paperwork was, in fact, turned in on time.
After much intense discussion between council members regarding the procedure for reimbursing council activities and the convention in question, the council carried the motion with Bell opposed to approve and pay the claim.
Carol Kelly, with Printing Made Easy, has made the business cards for members of Lind City Council in the past and Mayor Schmunk continued business with Kelly for a set of cards for Denise Snead, Clerk/Treasurer.
Concern about the price and amount of cards ordered issued another discussion, which ultimately led to the approval of payment for the office supplies.
After much discussion and some disagreements, the council was able to carry the motion to approve and pay all claims.
Final portion of new business for this public meeting was pay request for an invoice regarding the completed work to The Lind Airport. The invoice for professional services rendered through February 2015 totaled $2,253.65 and the motion carried to pay the total amount requested.
The council added a community member’s request for an ordinance allowing golf carts to be driven on the streets of Lind legally. This topic will be looked into and added to new business for the next council meeting on April 14.
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