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Quality care at hospital

Hospital provides many services.

Recently I spent 6 days at the Ritzville Hospital using the “Swing be” as rehab for a knee replacement.

I was amazed at the number and variety of services they provide.

The first day was very quiet but after that it was constant activity. Each morning 4 out-patients come in to be treated with procedures that can’t be done at home such as IV fluids, antibiotics, and dressing changes.

Regular full time patients occupied 3 to 5 of the rooms. Some days there was a constant flow of emergency patients.

There is one RN, one Nursing Assistant Certified and one Doctor or PA on call. When the emergency room is active, care also continues for the regular patients. Some days the staff had no time to sit down during their 12 hour shift. And after a 12 hour shift, they are on call for another 12 hours. RN Kari Frederick says it’s been this way for the past several months.

I was very pleased with the care. I hate spending money if not needed, but how can we be without the services offered by our hospital?

Barbara Freese Jolly, Ritzville


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