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County comissioners discuss Public Works requests

At the Public Works Session of the Adams County Commissioner’s meeting Engineer Scott Yaeger gave a report of projects in the county.

He reported crews were continuing to work on pre-leveling in the Othello area but should be finishing that day.

Yaeger said crews were also continuing gravel road maintenance and that when temperatures cool down crews would move to finishing seal coat projects provided that there was no rain accompanied with the lower temperatures.

Yaeger also said some patching would be applied to the Danekas Road detour on Tuesday to help make it last until Danekas Road is opened.

He then gave a report on solid waste management in the county. Although there has been some interest in the two positions available in the solid waste department Yaeger did not think any applications had been turned in yet.

Yaeger said the leaks in the jail had been fixed and also reported that the convex mirror Sheriff John Hunt requested to be installed had been.

He then presented the commissioners with an agreement from Freeman Truck Centers to have a box and hydraulics installed on the new truck purchased by the county. The commissioners voted to approve Public Works to sign the agreement.

Yaeger also requested the board approve via consensus the acquisition of a new printer/scanner/plotter for Public Works. He reported the printer that they currently use is almost 20 years old and finding printer toner was becoming more difficult. With the new printer Public Works would be able to make PDF versions of any map they receive available. The cost of the new printer would be $7,064 plus tax. The cost of the printer was already contained in the budget and that Public Works just needed approval. The approved by consensus to authorize the new printers purchase.

He then presented the commissioners with a pay estimate number two for the Danekas Road Project Phase One, for all the work done in July. The estimate totaled $172,217.38 for the dirt, a portion of the base coarse, all the culverts and the concrete treated base. Commissioner Roger Hartwig moved that the board sign the pay estimate and Commissioner John Marshall seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Yaeger said that the contractor should be completed with phase one by the end of the week and that they would do everything to allow them to finish by then but that the contractor for the paving of Danekas Road reported they could not be there until Aug. 20.

Brandi Coylar then presented the commissioners with a revised pay estimate from Frank Gurney Inc. out of Spokane. She reported that she had made a mistake and over paid them but had received a refund of $11,985. The board approved the revised pay estimate.

Yaeger then gave updates about the RAP call for projects and the irrigation district’s plans to the East Lo Canal. He also reported that the bid opening for overlay projects would be Aug. 25.

With no further business the meeting adjourned.


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