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Country needs to stop incurring national debt

Hang on to your hats! President Obama considers that his 52 percent vote during the 2012 election was a mandate by the people that he was to be granted supreme power. To h*** with the legislature! He believes that his 52 percent margin (the highest during the last five elections) gives him the right to bypass congress and misuse executive powers. He has already shown his propensity to do this during his first four years. He believes he has nothing to lose. But, the talk by the liberals of a third term should concern us because the conservatives seem to be hiding at this point while they lick their wounds.

I hope that Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ statement on Jan. 8 that the Republicans will stand firm on the debt ceiling will be true.

Inflation in past history has usually followed an increase of debt. That would cause an increase in the percentage that we would be paying on our 16 plus trillion present debt, and that raises our total debt without borrowing a dollar.

President Obama basically said on Jan. 14 that the percent tax hike (which is the biggest in 20 years) will only raise $620 billion at most over 10 years, and probably less. He also said that something like $1.25 trillion is necessary to accommodate this year’s debt alone.

Soaking the rich is not enough! Even if they taxed 100 percent of every dollar earned by every American who earned more than $500,000 in 2010, the feds would take in $1.29 trillion, or not much more than the entire 2012 deficit.

The middle class will be taxed because that’s where the money is. Thus, the Republicans are correct that the spending without adequate funding must be stopped now. President Obama is banking on the fact that he can scare those who are lacking in correct information to support his proposals. He will be a lame duck president his last two years in office if he is wrong. We will be like a ship without a rudder.

Gerald W. Ray, Spokane


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