Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

Questioning the legacy of Project 56

Citizens were promised by Project 56 promoters that their “We have a dream” campaign would not require financing by the taxpayers.

We were told the purpose of Project 56 was to provide funding for major projects that the school district could not afford: the M&O levy barely covers the cost of running a school.

Visiting the Union Elevator website, one learns, “It is also the desire of those on the committee of Project 56 to leave behind a legacy of respect, responsibility, wisdom and financial achievement.” (http://www.unionelevator.com/index.cfm?show=10&mid=50).

A Google search of Ritzville Project 56 will provide a long list, and none of the listings provides even the slightest of hints that Project 56 leaders intended at some point to dump their dream upon the taxpayers.

It appears Project 56’s mission has changed from inventing major projects and providing the funding for those projects, to dumping the costs of those major projects on the taxpayer. Some legacy!

Barry Boyer, Ritzville


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