Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

News / From The Files

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  • From the Files

    Updated Apr 4, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 6, 1898 Local and Personal A new well-drilling machine from St. Louis arrived in Ritzville Monday. It was consigned to H.H. Wilburn. The force of railroad carpenters who have been here for the past two weeks went away Monday. J.C. Gillette of Willis is in town today. Mr. Gillette has fell into possession of a runaway boy. The boy says he is from Spokane. Mr. Gillette does not want to keep the boy and don't want to turn him adrift. He will...


    Updated Mar 28, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times March 29, 1923 Othello News Items On Sunday a couple of railroad boys got too much that fires the blood on board and proceeded to knock the faults out of each other all over Main Street. Marshall Harper interfered and they both resisted him so on Monday Police Judge B. F. Utter held court and assessed a fine of $50 and costs to each of them besides a suspended 30 days in jail. We are glad to know the police court is now open for business....

  • From the Files

    Updated Mar 21, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times March 22, 1923 Pass ordinance for water rental The city council passed a new water ordinance Tuesday evening for the control of the collection of water rentals. The ordinance provides that the water rent shall be paid monthly by the tenth of the month, and if not so paid a penalty will be imposed. If the water rent and penalty are not paid by the 20th of the month, the water superintendent shall shut off the water and a charge of $1.00...

  • From the Files

    Updated Mar 14, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times March 15, 1923 Two injured in car upset Sunday morning the Ford coupe occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heineman and the former's sister, Esther, overturned near the Dan Scott place when the steering gear broke. Mrs. Heinemann and Esther were badly injured, but Carl escaped with only minor bruises and lacerations. The two were brought to Mrs. Allen's and cared for. Examination and X-rays revealed no serious injuries. The car was very badly...

  • From the Files

    Updated Feb 28, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times March 1, 1923 Two are arrested on liquor charge C. F. Godfrey was arrested last Thursday morning by Sheriff Joe Schafer and Deputies Buehler and Oestreich and Marshal Starring. He pled guilty to the charge of liquor in possession and was fined $100 and costs by Justice W. D. McCollom and given a 30 day jail sentence which was suspended on good behavior. Godfrey is second truck operator at the depot. Jos. Ranger of Washtucna was arrested by...

  • From the Files

    Updated Feb 21, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times February 22, 1923 Federal Investigation of Columbia Basin Now Practically Assured Hopes of friends of the Columbia Basin project have been wonderfully revived by news that the amended measure calling for a federal survey had passed the house of representatives and the amendment approved by the Senate. The present bill calls for an appropriation of $150,000 for investigating the Columbia Basin Project and the Umatilla rapids project on the...


    Updated Feb 13, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times February 15, 1923 Ellen Burroughs Dies Suddenly at Spokane Miss Ellen Burroughs, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F.R. Burroughs of Ritzville, died suddenly last Sunday morning at St. Luke's hospital in Spokane. The news of her death was telephoned to this city and caused a profound shock to all her many friends and acquaintances. Just three weeks preceding she had undergone an operation for appendicitis and her recovery had been steady and...

  • From the Files

    Updated Feb 6, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times February 8, 1923 Will Soon Be Able to Test Out New City Well Hope to have ample supply of water to meet all requirements, including swimming pool. The casing is in place at the new city well at the park and the pump is being installed so that it will be possible in a few days to test out the well to determine the flow of water. The progress was reported at the city council meeting Tuesday evening. The council is anxious to have the job fin...

  • From the Files

    Updated Jan 31, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times February 1, 1923 Plan to Build Swimming Pool Dave Hoefel for the swimming pool committee reported that plans had been made whereby it was believed that $3700 could be raised for a swimming pool. The cost of a pool would be from $2700 to $3500. The location approved was in the southeast corner of the park but it would be necessary to have the consent of the city council. Officers Make Raid at Hatton Sheriff Schafer and Deputies Heddle,...


    Updated Jan 24, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times January 25, 1923 John Dugger Seriously Injured John Dugger, a prominent rancher residing twelve miles west of Ritzville, lies in a serious condition at the home of Mrs. Herman Dehnel in this city as a result of an automobile accident yesterday. Mr. Dugger was coming to town in company with Jacob Hardt in the latter's car. The road was frosty and slick and in some way the car skidded and turned over. Mr. Dugger was injured when the car...


    Updated Jan 17, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times January 18, 1923 Local Brevities Arthur Glander, formerly of Odessa, has been employed by the Ritzville Trading Company to take charge of their harness department which has been given space on the second floor of the main building. A party of Masons drove to Washtucna Saturday night to attend the Masonic installation there. W.H. Kreager acted as the installing officer. Others who went down were N.T. Rider, R.B. Ott, and Phil Bier....


    Updated Jan 10, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times January 11, 1923 Falls From Train at Cheney Fred Austin is going about with his face all bandaged up. His injuries were caused in a mysterious manner. He went down to Lind Saturday morning where he spent the day. He says he remembers nothing more than in the evening he was going to the train. When he came to, he was in the office of Dr. West at Cheney. He says he found his money, about $60, missing, and a diamond from his ring. The...

  • From The Files

    Updated Jan 3, 2023

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times January 4, 1923 Officers Get 48 Quarts Whisky A raid of the county sheriff's deputies resulted in the capture of four cases, 48 quarts of Scotch whisky, smuggled in here probably for the "New Year's trade." The capture was made last Friday night at about 11 o'clock at the garage at the Brick Colwell place here. The liquor was in an automobile but the two men who drove the car made their escape. The officers were watching for booze...


    Updated Dec 27, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times December 28, 1922 N.P. To Install Block Signals The Northern Pacific railroad will spend $500,000 next spring in installing automatic block signals from Spokane to Pasco to complete its main line safety apparatus. It will be the first transcontinental railroad to have its entire main line protected by block signals. Local Brevities The fire department responded to a call at the Earl Colwell house last Friday. Not the new one, but the old h...


    Updated Dec 20, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times December 21, 1922 Lind Club Holds Annual Banquet The annual banquet of the Lind Commercial Club was held last Saturday night at Lind and a rousing meeting is reported. President Phil Bier and Secretary Richard B. Ott of the local commercial club and the quartette composed of Paul Morach, Carl Clodius, Will Rosenoff and Claire Willis represented Ritzville at the gathering. A much larger crowd would have gone down had it not been for the con...


    Updated Dec 13, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times December 14, 1922 New Well Gets Water Driller J.F. Hawthorne of the city park drilling crew reported to the council that he had struck a flow of water at a depth of 637 feet. He continued through the soft strata of rock and stopped the drill in a harder strata at a depth of 641 feet. He expresses the conviction that he has struck a flow of water that will be sufficient for the city's needs. Lind Club Plans Annual Banquet The annual...

  • From the Files

    Updated Nov 29, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times November 30, 1922 Veteran flagman concludes service for N.P. Railway John Sponcler, faithful guardian of the Adams St. crossing of the Northern Pacific, will conclude his service for the railway company on Thanksgiving Day, the last day of November. He has been working for the company 15 years, the last ten of it steadily as flagman at the crossing here. On account of his age, he is being retired. Despite his 78 years there are few men...


    Updated Nov 21, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times November 23, 1922 Three Fires Take Disastrous Fire Occurs at Ralston Tuesday evening Ralston was visited with a destructive fire which wiped out John Lafrenz's meat market and the empty building adjoining. The fire started at 5:30 p.m. from a gasoline stove in the butcher shop. The men in the place and those who came quickly were able to remove the fixtures from the building and most of the stock. Mr. Lafrenz lost his ice chest. The owner...


    Updated Nov 16, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times November 16, 1922 Three Fires Take Place During Week Several fires have occurred during the past week. Only one caused much damage, that was a barn near the Henry F. Shafer house on West First Ave. which burned during the noon hour Saturday. The barn was completely destroyed. It was the property of Elmer Snooks. Wm. Thom looked after it though he had nothing in it except some doubletrees. It is supposed that some transients had been...

  • From the Files

    Updated Nov 8, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times November 9, 1922 Ritzville Loses to Kennewick Huskies Outweighed and outplayed, but fighting to the last ditch, the Ritzville high school football team went down to defeat before the onslaught of the husky Kennewick team at the fairgrounds Friday afternoon, the final score being 27 to 0. Kennewick won because they were the better team and they had the advantage in weight, but at the final whistle there was not one of the "big brutes" but...


    Updated Nov 1, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times October 26, 1922 Gunshot Wound is Mystery J.B. Slagel of Oroville, who has been at Mrs. Allen's here recovering from a fracture of the leg, was found to be suffering from a gunshot wound, the cause of which he refuses to disclose. The case is one which is forming quite a mystery for local authorities. During the Round-Up week, on Thursday, at an early hour that morning Slagel and a man named Louie Prince, also of Oroville, were driving a...

  • From the Files

    Updated Oct 25, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times October 26, 1922 Christian Church The people of Ritzville are enjoying the privilege in having Evangelist Sargent of Tacoma with them for a few days. His sermons are clear and convincing and free from any offensive matter. His singing is inspiring. Meetings are held each evening at 7:30 and at eleven o'clock Sunday morning. All are cordially invited. Rancher from Neppel disappears at Ritzville Fred Blake, a rancher of Neppel, mysteriously...


    Updated Oct 18, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times October 19, 1922 Settles Fuss Over Street The hard-fought legal battle as to whether Olive Street was a street or private property was settled in a decision handed down by Judge Truax on Monday. He decided that it was a street of the municipality of Ritzville and therefore that William Koch, who closed the street last summer, was guilty of violating an ordinance of the City of Ritzville. Koch claimed that the street was never properly...


    Updated Oct 11, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times October 12, 1922 Spokane Concern Assists The Tru Blu Biscuit Company of Spokane were good boosters during the Round-Up. They sent their decorator down and put on a display of box candies in the Ritzville Drug Co. booth, and a big bunch of their force came down for the show. Temperatures Range High The weather has been rather warm the past week. Sunday the thermometer touched 79, Monday 82 and Tuesday 81, which is high for this time of...

  • From the Files

    Updated Oct 4, 2022

    1 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times September 21, 1922 Car Damaged by Collision Just as Rev. Just and family were getting ready to drive to Pullman Monday morning for Evangeline and Beata and William to re-enter college, their car was badly damaged in an auto collision. Fortunately, the damage was confined principally to the fender and body of the car, leaving the motor in running order so they were able to make the trip. The accident occurred as William was driving the car downtown to put some air in the tires before...

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