Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
Sorted by date Results 51 - 75 of 106
8 Years Ago Adams County News November 16, 1898 The latest fashionable folly is to have one's dog tattooed with the family crest. This is done on the chest immediately behind the forelegs and it is claimed that the operation is absolutely painless. Society young men used to tattoo themselves. Now they tattoo themselves and their poodles. Can there be any mysterious intellectual affinity between the two? Local and Personal A gentleman taking pictures of the interior of...
8 Years Ago Adams County News November 9, 1898 Local and Personal O.R. Holcomb and W.W. Zent have bought suit in the name of the state of Washington against the city of Ritzville, seeking a mandamus to compel the city authorities to lay water mains to their respective residences. The result of this action will be of considerable importance both to the city in general and the city council, as it will settle the question as to the authority of the city council to refuse...
8 Years Ago Adams County News November 2, 1898 Local and Personal Monday night was hallowe'en, and Ritzville did not escape the usual boy tricks and jokes. Marshal Rettig last Saturday arrested Chas. Frederick for the offense of trying to hurt somebody. Mr. Frederick paid his fine of $25 and costs and was released. Those delusive fakirs that with their "snaps" and "free" goods have been patrolling our streets the past week should get the hearty kicking out they deserve. The...
8 Years Ago Adams County News October 26, 1898 Local and Personal The town wells for several weeks past have not been furnishing the town a sufficient supply of water. Town marshal Rettig gave the pumps a thorough cleaning which helped some, but yet the water supply is insufficient and some other means will certainly have to be supplied by the council. The town council a few weeks ago provided for sidewalks on some of the streets that have lately been made by so much buildin...
8 Years Ago Adams County News October 19, 1898 The town of Ritzville has increased in size and population almost a hundred per cent. The town of Lind has increased from a little station of a few small buildings to a flourishing little town of about a hundred inhabitants and is rapidly growing. The small inferior class of farm buildings have given place to large fine dwellings and generally handsome farm buildings. Some idea of the amount of business done in the county can...
8 Years Ago Adams County News October 12, 1898 Benj. Martin returned Friday evening from Spokane. Mr. Martin has been in Spokane for some time taking a course of Turkish baths for his health. E. D. Gilson had the misfortune to break his middle finger on his left hand last week while wrestling with a city drunk. The injury is quite painful and very annoying. H. E. Gritman, the druggist, is painting the outside of his store and perfecting the appearance of one of the most...
8 Years Ago Adams County News October 5, 1898 W.S. Eastman runs a first-class barber shop and will give you a clean bath or a good shave as quicky as anyone. The Pacific is a first-class hotel in Ritzville where all your wants will receive prompt attention. Local and personal A character known as "Butch" was arrested last Friday night on a charge of assault and battery by Officer Rettig. Saturday he was taken before Police Judge Stacer and pled guilty. He was fined in the su...
8 Years Ago Adams County News September 28, 1898 Something ought to be done to better the condition of roads in and around Ritzville. Farmers say they would not come here if they could help it simply because of the condition of the roads from a mile to a mile and a half of the town. It seems to us that if there is no other way, the businessmen could make no better investment than to have the roads about the town put into better shape. Local and personal Wheat is selling as...
8 Years Ago Adams County News September 21, 1898 Lemen Bros' Circus Ritzville's initial circus was anything but desirable to her people. Monday afternoon Lemen Bros.' circus showed in Ritzville, and a scene was presented never before witnessed in our busy little city, as it was the first circus of any consequence to exhibit here. At an early hour people from the outlying country districts began to pour into the city and by 10:30 o'clock the streets presented a metropolitan...
8 Years Ago Adams County News September 14, 1898 Last Thursday night fire broke out in Davenport and burned property to the amount of about $20,000. The fire started in the Dale hotel in the room of a tailor who it is thought was intoxicated and probably overturned his lamp. A lodger, Sam Koehen, was so badly burned it is thought he will not live. After the experience Davenport had last week with the fire, the citizens of the other towns should profit thereby and especially...
8 Years Ago Adams County News September 7, 1898 We wonder if parents in Ritzville generally know that their little boys are in the habit of riding about every freight train that comes into the yards and often get on the passenger side then jump off. If they do know, we wonder if they ever figured what were the chances of being called in to attend some little boy’s funeral or the performing of a surgical operation by some doctor. That is a sad thing to contemplate and no one wants anything of the kind to occur, but unless th...
8 Years Ago Adams County News August 31, 1898 Local and Personal If Myers & Shipman don't remove those goods from the sidewalk in the rear of their store, somebody is liable to steal a wagon load or two. The Demorest medal contest at the courthouse last Friday evening was a rare treat to those who attended. All the contestants did splendid and it was a contest in very truth. Miss Hannah Scheuerle was the lucky one that bore off the prize. Miss Graham, Mrs. Shipman and Orpha...
8 Years Ago Adams County News Local and Personal Quite a serious accident occurred at Lind on Monday night in which one man was killed outright and another probably fatally injured. They were engaged in unloading coal into the bunkers there, and in some way the brakes failed to work and a car was thrown to the ground some thirty feet. The regular heaver, an Italian by the name of Joe Sirinnie, was buried under the car and killed. The brakeman, Albert Nesbet, jumped and...
8 Years Ago Adams County News August 17, 1898 It is interesting to be down at the police court when a case is in progress and learn that of the large number of the hobo element that are always attracted there, a very large per cent are ex-police, ex-sheriffs, ex-judges and ex- lawyers. These fellows are veritable walking encyclopedias of law-in their mind. They usually take sides with the case on trial and their muttered objections to some of the rulings of the court, or...
8 Years Ago Adams County News August 10, 1898 Local and Personal The doctors report quite an amount of sickness, caused no doubt by the unusually hot weather. Contractor Harris is just finishing a new restaurant building opposite the post office for J.P. Lindsey. Uncle Henry Zimmerman received the sad news yesterday of his mother. The old lady was 98 years old, but retained all the faculties of her mind clearly to the last and gave minute directions about how her funeral...
8 Years Ago Adams County News August 3, 1898 Supreme Court The supreme court of Washington as now constituted consists of four republicans and one democrat. James H. Lewis, a democrat and W.C. Jones, a silver republican, will probably be candidates for re-election to Congress, so these two positions will probably be allowed the populists. Above all things, great care should be exercised in the selection of candidates for the supreme bench. Men will a pull, cranks, worn-out...
8 Years Ago Adams County News July 27, 1898 Local and Personal Conrad Kissler took his thresher engine out to Mr. Schoonover's Monday where he commenced threshing yesterday. J.E. Goodenough of Hatton unloaded his new steam thresher and engine Monday. He will begin work today on L.L Sutton's place. John has the largest machine in the county to date being 16-inch cylinder and 20-horsepower engine. Last Saturday evening about six o'clock while three freight trains were in the...
8 Years Ago Adams County News July 20, 1898 Local and Personal Outdoor religious meetings were held by some of the members of the Congregational and Methodist churches last week. It was done principally for the benefit of the transient men who were here waiting for harvest, many of whom signified a willingness to go to church but said they had not suitable clothing with them. A man was put in the city jail about nine o'clock Saturday night for being drunk and disorderly....
8 Years Ago Adams County News July 13, 1898 Local and Personal It was estimated there were 140 unemployed men in Ritzville last Monday. Every man who can drive a nail or saw a board has all the work he can handle. The 6-year-old son of Wm. Arlt had a thumb and finger blown off at the first joint by a dynamite cap he was trying to explode by pounding it on a rock last Thursday. Dr. Burroughs dressed the wound which is healing up nicely. On Monday morning Fred Weiand came into...
8 Years Ago Adams County News July 6, 1898 Local and Personal John Bovee has purchased property opposite the post office and is erecting a building, part of which will be used for a meat market. Paha has been stricken from the list of live post offices and those who have been receiving mail there are ordering to Ritzville or Lind. The home of the Krehbeil brothers, near Lind, was destroyed by fire last Wednesday. Very little of the contents of the house was saved. Killed by...
8 Years Ago Adams County News June 29, 1898 Local and Personal John H. Newlin of Lind had the bad luck to mash one of his fingers so badly last week that it was necessary to have it amputated. Roy Gilson, the 8-year-old son of E.D. Gilson, fell about thirty feet from the platform of a windmill last week and broke his leg. Enquiry is made almost daily about houses in Ritzville. If some enterprising citizen would build about fifty houses they could all be rented within a...
8 Years Ago Adams County News June 15, 1898 For Sale I offer for sale 1280 acres of land located three- and one-half miles from Ritzville, all fenced, 300 acres in crop, 360 plowed for next year, plenty of water, 400 bearing fruit trees, good house and outbuildings, all necessary machinery and tools, horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, etc. Half cash, balance on time. Johan Wellsandt. Local and Personal W.W. Floyd took his horses to the Wenatchee country last week. A prominent...
8 Years Ago Adams County News June 8, 1898 Ten years ago last Monday Ritzville was practically burned to the ground. Since that time it has more than recovered, although it was a severe blow to the town at that time. We hope it will be many a year before such a calamity befalls the town again. Local and Personal Wheat is 58 cents in Ritzville today. Mrs. Dillon is said to be very low with brain fever. Postmaster W.K. Kennedy set the good example on Monday of filling up the...
8 Years Ago Adams County News June 1, 1898 Local and Personal Tromp Donald and his mother were in town Thursday. Don't you want a hair net? If so, call at the Model Millinery. Duck shooting is said to be good at the lakes on Main Street and Railroad Avenue. J.M. Harris, the jolly stable man, fell last week and nearly broke his back. He would have done so had he not struck the other side first. While returning from the memorial exercises at Sprague last Monday, John...
8 Years Ago Adams County News May 25, 1898 Only sober candidates will be supported Soberness is a characteristic of the people of Adams County, and it is especially true of the candidate for office in the county as a rule, but it is always possible that among even the few who drink, one might be nominated. This moves us to say that this paper will not support any candidate for county or precinct office in this county, in the coming campaign, who is not a strictly temperate...