Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

News / From The Files

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    Updated Apr 30, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News May 3, 1899 Day after tomorrow will be the 12th anniversary of the Hutchinson-Robbins great horse race which occurred May 5, 1886. The event will be remembered by all the old pioneers who were here during the palmy days of Ritzville. Ad for Ritzville Hardware Co. A man that loves his wife buys her a St. Clair Steel Range because they are fine bakers; they are economical in fuel; they have asbestos-lined tops and bottoms; they are ornamental. We...


    Updated Apr 23, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 26, 1899 A GOOD MOVE – L. E. Paskill, the best agent the Northern Pacific Railway Company ever had at this station, informs us that the present depot will be enlarged and practically made new in a very short time. The building will be on a level with the platform and pleasant waiting rooms, new offices and furniture will be added and Ritzville will have the best accommodations in that line of any town of her size on the road. The officers...


    Updated Apr 16, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 19, 1899 The Twentieth Century Electroscope Co. will show at the opera house tonight. The celebrated baritone, Mr. Wm. Clark, formerly connected with the Columbia Opera Co., will sing the latest eastern success, introduced by himself, entitled, "Just for the Sake of Her Daughter." This song, as all others, are beautifully illustrated by the electroscope. The moving pictures are very interesting including war scenes and many others. Local...


    Updated Apr 9, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 12, 1899 Mayor Peters means just what he says when he declares that the city ordinances enforcing sanitary regulations are to be strictly and impartially carried out. All alleys, backyards and outhouses are to be thoroughly cleansed this spring and kept in that condition from this time on. Citizens had best take notice, for when an honorable mayor starts in on a job, he goes through with it, and it is much cheaper for a householder to...


    Updated Apr 2, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 5, 1899 The council at its regular session last night decided to push the matter of getting an ample supply of water in the city wells but these will be reinforced by others. Four inch mains will be laid on several of the business streets and two inch pipes run to the outlying districts from the large mains. The big tank on the hill has been kept full for some time. Arid land commissioner, Hon. O.R. Holcomb, will have his engineer here at...


    Updated Mar 26, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 29, 1899 Arrests are in order N.P. Agent L.E. Paskill informs us that the railroad officials are somewhat exercised for the safety of the young boys who monkey about the tracks near the depot, and the chances are that a wholesale slaughter will occur one of these days if they do not keep off the right of way. Warning seems to effect nothing. Yesterday a fast train was bombarded with stones that flew like hail breaking the window on the...


    Updated Mar 19, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 22, 1899 Local and Personal We are informed that Dr. F. R. Burroughs will add forty feet and raise to a two-story his store building now occupied by Davenny Bros. Fred Thiel arrived home Sunday morning from Portland, where he has been attending the business college since October. He will resume his place in the hardware and furniture store of Thiel-Dorman Co. 100 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times March 20, 1924 Arrest two on liquor...


    Updated Mar 12, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 15, 1899 Hard at Work A private letter from our worthy young townsman, A. F. Rosenoff, informs us that he is settled down to hard work and study in the school of pharmacy at Valparaiso, Ind., where he expects to remain about eight months, after which time he will return to assist in conducting the business of the firm of Olmstead & Rosenoff, druggists, in which he is equally interested. Local and Personal R. P. Smith, the mechanic, has...


    Updated Mar 5, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 8, 1899 The city council in regular session last night instructed the marshal to enforce the ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles upon sidewalks and to notify property owners and tenants to build new sidewalks in conformity with our municipal law and clean up their premises where they were found in a filthy condition. Small Pox Information comes to the NEWS that small pox is getting near to us, and that a few days ago a porter on...


    Updated Feb 20, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News February 22, 1899 NEW JUSTICE – Ritzville precinct No. 2 has a bran-splinter new Justice of the Peace, Mr. W. S. Eastman, having been appointed by the board of county commissioners at their special session last week. This is something which was sorely needed and now between the two justices and the police judge it seems the business ought to be taken care of with neatness and dispatch. Mr. Eastman, having a keen sense of right and wrong, we b...


    Updated Feb 13, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News February 15, 1899 Police court – Two men giving their names as James Carroll and Chas. Follard were each fined $50 and trimmings and sentenced to thirty days for stealing two overcoats from the general store of Myers & Shipman about ten o'clock Tuesday morning. The trial was held before Justice F.P. French. Local and Personal Gustave Saillard, who has been on trial for some weeks past for the brutal murder of his mistress, has been acquitted. O...

  • From the Files

    Updated Feb 6, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News February 8, 1899 At the council meeting last evening it was decided that the water supply be cut off today and no more furnished to the citizens until the city tank was filled. The well on the corner opposite Adams County Bank is being cleaned out and the committee is of the opinion that henceforth we will have ample supply. Two petitions for sidewalks, one from Wm. McKay and others and one from miller Ott and others were presented, and both...


    Updated Jan 30, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News February 1, 1899 Local and Personal Mr. Benj. Martin, the accommodating cashier of the Adams County Bank, informs us that although January was a quiet month that that institution handled over $35,000 worth of grain drafts and paid out about $50,000 in cash during the same period. This certainly speaks volumes for the financial condition of Adams County. A son of Hon. J. M. Adams and Johnnie Long, son of Clark Long, engaged in a lively scrap at t...


    Updated Jan 23, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News January 25, 1899 Hobos steal a fine overcoat Some enterprising thief swiped a $25 fur overcoat from the dummy in front of Smith & Thomsen's store last evening just after dark. These suspicious characters should be made to keep their feet off Ritzville sidewalks. A few days ago several of this genus hobo element paraded in front of the editor's residence on Knob Hill, and in a bantering tone asked, "Can you Yankeedoodles give us something to...


    Updated Jan 16, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News January 18, 1899 New jewelry store J.A. Humphrey, a well and favorably known railroad man and telegraph operator, has just purchased the jewelry stock of O.R. Haight and will build adjoining the post office where he expects soon to open up an elegant and full line of such goods. Local and Personal H. F. Klaas, head miller in the Ott Flouring Mills, is moving his family into one of the Greene-Prouty cottages on College hill. Louis Walton,...


    Updated Jan 9, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News January 11, 1899 Local and Personal Henry Horn has ordered a carload of ice from Sprague where a choice article can be found. Henry evidently intends to keep cool this next summer if congealed water will assist matters any. Dr. F. R. Burroughs paid the penalty for exposing himself to the hard trip made to Lamona last Wednesday by remaining in his room and nursing a first-class cold for a couple of days afterward. The weather never gets too cold...


    Updated Jan 2, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News January 4, 1899 America surprises the world and gets its own gait for everything. England required several hundred years to rid herself of the bad blood brought about by the War of the Roses, while a third of a century has wiped from the hearts of Americans all hatred and bitterness of the greatest civil war. Local and Personal Dr. F. R. Burroughs received a telegram last evening from Lamona on the Great Northern calling him to Crab creek to...


    Updated Dec 26, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News December 28, 1898 Local and Personal W. F. Beal has just purchased the Lawrence C. Lee land, a half section on Rattlesnake flat. George Washington Bassett, the founder and father of Washtucna in this county, was with us a couple of days last week. Mr. Bassett is a pioneer in every sense of the term, having lived on the site where Washtucna now stands for 20 years, coming here in the year 1878 when this section of the country was practically a...


    Updated Dec 19, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News December 21, 1898 Local and Personal H.E. Gritman is enlarging his drug store extending it back 20-32 feet making it into a wallpaper room, also adding an ice house using the addition for oils and similar goods. Messrs. Jay Webley and J.C. Hounshell have assumed the management of the Olympia restaurant opposite the N.P. depot. Doc R.H. Lee has changed his mind about going east, therefore will remain and take his chances here for a while longer....


    Updated Dec 12, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News December 13, 1898 It is rumored that application will soon be made to the city council for a saloon retail liquor license. Chas. Lemman has accepted a position in the Shorno livery stable at the corner of Railroad Avenue and C Streets. Ed Finnell has leased 20 x 60 feet from A. Hollenshead adjoining Haight’s store and has begun the erection of a building which he will open as a temperance hall carrying candies, soft drinks, etc. Dr. Burroughs was called to Scott last week to see John McHugh w...


    Updated Dec 5, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News December 7, 1898 Local and Personal Monday morning three inches of snow and the thermometer at zero was the greeting we received. The sky was clear however and the weather since has been sunshiny and pleasant. An opera house company was organized this week by the following named gentlemen: Benj. Martin, J.E. Prouty, H.E. Gritman, Wm. Snyder, O.M. Greene, W.R. Cunningham, Jr., and C.O. Greene. It is proposed by this company to purchase at least...

  • From the Files

    Updated Nov 28, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News November 30, 1898 We would suggest that everyone "keep their optics on Ritzville and Adams County" and note developments that occur. Glance back a year when the wheat yield was two million bushels, then along came '98 with another like cargo, and from present indications 1899 will be a repeater. Wheat at fifty cents per bushel, all indebtedness practically wiped out now and plenty of money for all legitimate purposes. The population of...


    Updated Nov 20, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News November 23, 1898 Some people express surprise at the overwhelming victory of the republican party of this state in the late election, but it is not to be wondered at. In this day and age of civilization and enlightenment, we must always expect intelligent returns from the will of the people. The Ritzville Public school The question, "What is Legal Tender?" is troubling the civil government class this week. Local and Personal John Wellsandt was...


    Updated Nov 14, 2023

    8 Years Ago Adams County News November 16, 1898 The latest fashionable folly is to have one's dog tattooed with the family crest. This is done on the chest immediately behind the forelegs and it is claimed that the operation is absolutely painless. Society young men used to tattoo themselves. Now they tattoo themselves and their poodles. Can there be any mysterious intellectual affinity between the two? Local and Personal A gentleman taking pictures of the interior of...


    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 1, 1899 Local and Personal Clarence Hays, clerk in the Hotel Ritzville, had the misfortune to lose the index finger of his left hand Monday morning while splitting kindling wood with an axe. Dr. Adams dressed the wound and the young man is getting along nicely. Our Public Schools The pupils of the grammar room had an exercise Friday afternoon in memory of the venerable Alex. Hamilton, which consisted of biographical sketches and other...

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