Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887

News / From The Files

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  • From the Files

    Updated Sep 3, 2024

    1 years ago The Ritzville Journal-Times Sept. 4, 1924 THOUSAND HEAR KLAN LECTURER A crowd estimated at a thousand persons attended the meeting of the Ku Klux Klan held at the Carl Lee place adjoining town last Thursday night. A goo man were here from other towns. Autos were parked abou the meeting place and the seats provided were filled. Several klansmen in their white robes had charge of the arrangement. Rev. A. N. McDonald, formerly of Ritzville, was the speaker of the...

  • From the Filesw

    Updated Aug 19, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News August 23, 1899 'Round Ritzville Ritzville has not had any empty dwellings, business houses or rooms for a year. We have inquiries nearly every day for them. Many would spend the winter here for school advantages if they could only find a place to live in. City ordinance No. 81 provides a limit in which wooden buildings are hereafter to be erected. The two rows of blocks on the northwesterly side of the railroad track from B to G street will...

  • From the Files

    Updated Aug 12, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News August 16, 1899 Let well enough alone The Sunday closing proposition evidently works a hardship on many people, judging from the loud protest that goes up against it by a large majority of our citizens. To us it seems that if the merchant and businessmen generally wish to accommodate customers on Sunday where circumstances almost demand it, there should be no serious objection to it, more especially during this busy season of the year. The...

  • From the Files

    Updated Aug 7, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News August 9, 1899 Thieves getting obnoxious The sneak thief, chicken and several other kind of thieves are abroad in this fair land of ours around Ritzville. The chicken coops and cellars of Messrs. French and Cunningham have been raided and pretty fair hauls made from both. Get your rifles, pistols and sawed off shot guns in order and turn the bull dogs loose at night. It would also be well to scatter bear traps around the places where these...


    Updated Jul 30, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News August 2, 1899 A party of pleasure seekers spent last Sunday on the farm of John McDonald on Cow Creek. During the day the Misses Lillian Cunningham, Iva Frick, Elsie Landry, umpired by Chas. Ebener, killed a large rattlesnake with seven rattles and a button. Among others who accompanied the crowd were Mr. and Mrs. F.P. French, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Cunningham, Jr., Misses Kendrick and Greene. 'Round Ritzville Judge French fined Thomas Caton $25...

  • From the Files

    Updated Jul 23, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News July 26, 1899 Rumor has it that an order will soon be issued requiring all postmasters to wear uniforms. The uniform will be light blue trousers, with stripes down the legs, white blouse and a scull cap with a white star in front. The average postmaster may not object to be thus uniformed, but what about the hundreds of ladies throughout the country who write P.M. after their name? Can't chuck them into a uniform with a blue trouser attached. 10...

  • From the Files

    Updated Jul 15, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News July 19, 1899 Hanging too good The miscreant who cut the rope on the well drill of M. F. Cochran who is boring the city well on College hill if caught should be dealt with severely. Hanging is too good for such a wretch. He should be kicked out of the county. Had not the critical eye of Mr. Cochran discovered the matter in time, all the good work done thus far might have been for naught. The well is now 350 feet in depth with 150 feet of water,...


    Updated Jul 8, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News July 12, 1899 Irby & Benward finished up a well on July 8 for Mr. Carl Ewald at a depth of 238 feet thirteen miles west of town after only ten days drilling. Sheriff H.E. Hill informs us that the Inland Telephone and Telegraph Co. of Spokane have the poles and wires up as far as the Chris Kyriss place which is ten miles east of Ritzville on the Sprague road. We will soon be connected up with the long distance telephone. 100 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times July 10, 1924 First visit in twenty...


    Updated Jul 1, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News July 5, 1899 The strangers within our gates must be tapped for all there is in it when they fight and brag they can whip any man in this place. Such conduct won't go. If the would-be toughs will take a tumble and behave themselves, they will never have any trouble in Ritzville and they will be treated as gentlemen whether they deserve it or not. Judge French will take care of them all right. If they are not good they will be raked fore and aft....


    Updated Jun 24, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News June 28, 1899 From Russia to Ritzville Twenty-five families from Russia passed through Spokane last week on the way from their native country to settle on farms near Ritzville. This is the largest of a number of colonies which have gone through this city this spring and which have been located on farms in Adams County. It was many years ago that the first Russians were placed on land in Adams County, and since that time there has been a gradual...

  • From the Files

    Updated Jun 17, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News June 21, 1899 Call a halt We feel it a duty incumbent upon us to call the attention of the authorities and citizens to the fact of danger continually confronting us by leaving teams standing unhitched on our public streets and thoroughfares. Hardly a week goes by without a runaway. So far, no serious accidents have happened, but it will not always be so. Some of these fine days they will come carrying home the lifeless form of your little one,...


    Updated Jun 11, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News June 14, 1899 Team ran away The well-known old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenoff, pioneers of Adams County, started out from the city Monday for a visit to the farm at the German church five miles west, and in some manner their team became unmanageable and ran away, severely injuring Mrs. Rosenoff. Local and Personal Several of our citizens who were vaccinated have been suffering considerable inconvenience from the operations, in some cases the...

  • From the Files

    Updated Jun 4, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News June 7, 1899 Dirt changes hands An important real estate deal was closed last Saturday when Wm. Snyder sold his eighty acre tract lying partly within the city limits, to Geo. Achziger for $2,000. A fine well has just been sunk on the premises and Mr. Snyder was preparing to have a large residence built, but the opportunity to make a handsome profit came and was accepted. Mr. Snyder now contemplates putting up a brick store building and in all...

  • From the Files

    Updated May 28, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News May 31, 1899 Dying by the track Ritzville, May 30. – With his right leg and right arm cut from his body, Alfred Barton was found alongside the Northern Pacific railroad track by a train crew about two miles west of Ritzville. The poor fellow was feebly waving a handkerchief to attract the attention of the men on the passenger train. He had been attending school in Ellensburg. He says that he rode on the blind baggage from that place to Lind, w...

  • From the Files

    Updated May 21, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News May 24, 1899 Merchant Snyder has just had completed on his 80-acre farm in the suburbs, a fine well with plenty of water. A regular old-fashioned camp meeting will be held at Tyler commencing May 25th and continuing about ten days. Rev. Jno. Koch is having a Woodmanse windmill and pump erected on his new well this week by the Ritzville Hardware Co. 100 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times May 22, 1924 S.S. Schuler, contractor, falls dead yesterday...


    Updated May 14, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News May 17, 1899 John Campbell is languishing in the city bastille with a sore head and a fine of $20 and costs, the result of being drunk and disorderly and resisting Marshal Rettig, who as conservator of the peace of the city, protested against his using the sidewalk for a horse path and the voluble display of adjectives said bad man from Bitter Creek was hurling vindictively and promiscuously at our inoffensive citizens. As the hilarious...


    Updated May 7, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News May 10, 1899 F. G. Spanjer was awarded the contract for furnishing the city $1,194.90 worth of water pipe, being the lowest bidder. G. S. Bear sustained a severe sprain of his right ankle last Friday. Feeling as young as he used to be, he took a hand in a wrestling match with some of the boys with the above result. 100 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times May 8, 1924 Swimming pool nearly done The walls of the swimming pool are completed, the floor...


    Updated Apr 30, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News May 3, 1899 Day after tomorrow will be the 12th anniversary of the Hutchinson-Robbins great horse race which occurred May 5, 1886. The event will be remembered by all the old pioneers who were here during the palmy days of Ritzville. Ad for Ritzville Hardware Co. A man that loves his wife buys her a St. Clair Steel Range because they are fine bakers; they are economical in fuel; they have asbestos-lined tops and bottoms; they are ornamental. We...


    Updated Apr 23, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 26, 1899 A GOOD MOVE – L. E. Paskill, the best agent the Northern Pacific Railway Company ever had at this station, informs us that the present depot will be enlarged and practically made new in a very short time. The building will be on a level with the platform and pleasant waiting rooms, new offices and furniture will be added and Ritzville will have the best accommodations in that line of any town of her size on the road. The officers...


    Updated Apr 16, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 19, 1899 The Twentieth Century Electroscope Co. will show at the opera house tonight. The celebrated baritone, Mr. Wm. Clark, formerly connected with the Columbia Opera Co., will sing the latest eastern success, introduced by himself, entitled, "Just for the Sake of Her Daughter." This song, as all others, are beautifully illustrated by the electroscope. The moving pictures are very interesting including war scenes and many others. Local...


    Updated Apr 9, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 12, 1899 Mayor Peters means just what he says when he declares that the city ordinances enforcing sanitary regulations are to be strictly and impartially carried out. All alleys, backyards and outhouses are to be thoroughly cleansed this spring and kept in that condition from this time on. Citizens had best take notice, for when an honorable mayor starts in on a job, he goes through with it, and it is much cheaper for a householder to...


    Updated Apr 2, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News April 5, 1899 The council at its regular session last night decided to push the matter of getting an ample supply of water in the city wells but these will be reinforced by others. Four inch mains will be laid on several of the business streets and two inch pipes run to the outlying districts from the large mains. The big tank on the hill has been kept full for some time. Arid land commissioner, Hon. O.R. Holcomb, will have his engineer here at...


    Updated Mar 26, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 29, 1899 Arrests are in order N.P. Agent L.E. Paskill informs us that the railroad officials are somewhat exercised for the safety of the young boys who monkey about the tracks near the depot, and the chances are that a wholesale slaughter will occur one of these days if they do not keep off the right of way. Warning seems to effect nothing. Yesterday a fast train was bombarded with stones that flew like hail breaking the window on the...


    Updated Mar 19, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 22, 1899 Local and Personal We are informed that Dr. F. R. Burroughs will add forty feet and raise to a two-story his store building now occupied by Davenny Bros. Fred Thiel arrived home Sunday morning from Portland, where he has been attending the business college since October. He will resume his place in the hardware and furniture store of Thiel-Dorman Co. 100 Years Ago Ritzville-Journal Times March 20, 1924 Arrest two on liquor...


    Updated Mar 12, 2024

    8 Years Ago Adams County News March 15, 1899 Hard at Work A private letter from our worthy young townsman, A. F. Rosenoff, informs us that he is settled down to hard work and study in the school of pharmacy at Valparaiso, Ind., where he expects to remain about eight months, after which time he will return to assist in conducting the business of the firm of Olmstead & Rosenoff, druggists, in which he is equally interested. Local and Personal R. P. Smith, the mechanic, has...

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