Eastern Adams County's Only Independent Voice Since 1887
Sorted by date Results 801 - 825 of 967
PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Adams County Commissioners has set a date to review the recommendation of approval of the Adams County Planning Commission regarding an application to rezone County Parcel Nos. 2532200222697; 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 6 9 8 ; 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 6 9 9 ; 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 7 0 0 ; a n d , 2532200332701 from Prime Agriculture (PA) to Rural Residential (R-R). The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 202, Adams County Courthouse, 210 W....
NOTICE of PUBLIC MEETING & SEPA THRESHOLD DETERMINATION Pursuant to RCW 43.21C.080, notice is hereby given that Adams County did on March 8, 2023 make a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the following non-project action: Adams County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Adams County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is a document that outlines the risks of natural hazards within Adams County. The HMP was prepared through a stakeholder committee process with representation from the county,...
MEETING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Adams County Public Hospital District No. 2 will be held on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 5:30pm. The meeting will be held at East Adams Rural Hospital in the conference room downstairs and via Zoom. The information to call in is listed below. Dial in +1-253-215-8782 USA Toll Meeting number (access code): 814 1188 0418 Meeting password:425338 John Kragt, Chair Board of Commissioners East Adams Rural Healthcare Posted Time: 9:00 a.m. Date:...
PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Adams County Commissioners has set a date to review the recommendation of approval of the Adams County Planning Commission regarding an application to rezone County Parcel Nos. 2532200222697; 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 6 9 8 ; 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 6 9 9 ; 2 5 3 2 2 0 0 3 3 2 7 0 0 ; a n d , 2532200332701 from Prime Agriculture (PA) to Rural Residential (R-R). The meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 202, Adams County Courthouse, 210 W....
SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2167 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RITZVILLE, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE MAP FOR PARCEL NO. 2935260140001 PURSUANT TO RCW 35.63.105. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Copies of the complete ordinance is available without cost online at www.cityofritzville/publicnotices or during regular business hours by calling City Hall at 659-1930. Julie Flyckt Clerk-Treasurer March 1, 2023...
SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2168 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RITZVILLE, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR PARCEL NO. 2935260140001 PURSUANT TO RCW 35.63.105. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Copies of the complete ordinance is available without cost online at www.cityofritzville/publicnotices or during regular business hours by calling City Hall at 659-1930. Julie Flyckt Clerk-Treasurer March 1, 2023...
PUBLIC NOTICE SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM (SMP) PERIODIC REVIEW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Adams County is proposing to update the County’s adopted Shoreline Master Program. The County and the Washington Dept. of Ecology (Ecology) are accepting comments on a periodic review in accordance with RCW 90.58.080(4) and pursuant to the joint review process set forth in WAC 173-26- 104. The County has prepared draft Shoreline Master Program (SMP) amendments to be consistent with state law, county plans, regulations, and other c...
SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2165 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Ritzville, Washington, relating to contracting indebtedness; amending Ordinance No. 2142; extending the maturity date of the City’s Water Revenue Bond Anticipation Note, 2020 (Non- Revolving Line of Credit); and providing for related matters. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Copies of the complete ordinance is available without cost online at www.cityofritzville/publicnotices or during r...
SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2166 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RITZVILLE, WASHINGTON ANNEXING OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE REIMER ADDITION ANNEXATION AREA TO THE CITY OF RITZVILLE. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Copies of the complete ordinance is available without cost online at www.cityofritzville/publicnotices or during regular business hours by calling City Hall at 659-1930. Julie Flyckt Clerk-Treasurer March 1, 2023...
SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2163 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF RITZVILLE, WASHINGTON, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2023 IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,016,724.00 AND ADOPTION OF THE CITY FEES, WAGE SCALE, AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Copies of the complete ordinance is available without cost online at www.cityofritzville/publicnotices or during regular business hours by calling City Hall at...
SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2164 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2022 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF RITZVILLE, WASHINGTON, AS ADOPTED IN ORDINANCE 2157. THE AMENDMENT IS TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR UNANTICIPATED REVENUES AND ALLOCATIONS IN THE CURRENT EXPENSE, CEMETERY AND STREETS FUNDS. The ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Copies of the complete ordinance is available without cost online at www.cityofritzville/publicnotices or during regular business hours by calling...
PUBLIC NOTICE The South Columbia Basin Irrigation District is providing public notice that it will be applying aquatic herbicides to its irrigation canals, drains, and wasteways in accordance with Washington Department of Ecology Permit No. WAG991000. The purpose of the herbicide applications is to control aquatic weeds within the irrigation delivery and drainage systems. Treatments will be to all irrigation canals, drains, and wasteways constructed by the United States Bureau of Reclamation within the boundaries of the...
STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AMENDED NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SEASONAL CHANGE/ TRANSFER OF WATER RIGHT UNDER ONE (1) GROUND WATER CERTIFICATE TAKE NOTICE: That Warden Hutterian Brethren of Warden, WA, has made a seasonal application for change/ transfer of water right in order to change the point of withdrawal and change/transfer the place of use as granted under Ground Water Certificate G3-01228C. That Ground Water Certificate G3-01228C w/chg V1-3-P.276 authorizes the withdrawal of 1200 gallons per minute, 1129...
RESOLUTION NO. R-013- 2023 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS / BULK ASPHALT SUPPLIERS County of Adams Department of Public Works Ritzville, Washington The Adams County is soliciting Bids from qualified firms with expertise in supplying Bulk Asphalt. Sealed bids will be received by Adams County at the office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the courthouse at 210 W. Broadway, Ritzville, Washington 99169, until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 and will be opened and publicly read on March 7th, 2023 at 1:30 p.m., or as...
CITY OF RITZVILLE REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES REVISED SUBMITTAL DATE The City of Ritzville, pursuant to RCW 39.80, is inviting statements of qualifications from consulting engineering firms to provide engineering services related to streets, sidewalks and storm drainage systems. Services may include engineering planning, reports, project designs, funding applications and assistance, construction administration and inspection, environmental reviews, rate studies and other work as...
RESOLUTION NO. R-012- 2023 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS / LIQUID ASPHALT SUPPLIERS County of Adams Department of Public Works Ritzville, Washington The Adams County is soliciting Bids from qualified firms with expertise in supplying Liquid Asphalt. Sealed bids will be received by Adams County at the office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the courthouse at 210 W. Broadway, Ritzville, Washington 99169, until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023 and will be opened and publicly read on March 7, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. for the...
NOTICE OF STATE’S INTENT TO NEGOTIATE LEASE Department of Natural Resources will begin negotiation of expiring leases with existing lessees on the following parcels. All leases are subject to third party bids by interested parties. Lease terms and bidding information is available by calling the Southeast Region at 1-800-527-3305 or by appointment at the Region Office at 713 Bowers Road, Ellensburg, Washington 98926. The leases expire J u l y 3 1 , 2 0 2 3 . Grazing Lease All/Part Sec Twp Rge 10-B53733 All 36 17 32.0E 1...
STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AMENDED NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SEASONAL CHANGE/TRANSFER OF WATER RIGHT UNDER ONE (1) GROUND WATER CERTIFICATE TAKE NOTICE: That Warden Hutterian Brethren of Warden, WA, has made a seasonal application for change/ transfer of water right in order to change the point of withdrawal and change/transfer the place of use as granted under Ground Water Certificate G3-01228C. That Ground Water Certificate G3-01228C w/chg V1-3-P.276 authorizes the withdrawal of 1200 gallons per minute, 1129...
PUBLIC HEARING The Ritzville School District will be holding a public hearing on a proposed school board redistricting plan. Changes are based on population adjustments from 2020 census data. This meeting will be held at their regular meeting on Monday February 27 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lind-Ritzville High School Commons. More information is available on the District website www.lrschools. org or by contacting Donald Vanderholm, Superintendent 509-677-3481 or 509-659-1660 Published February 22, 2023...
PUBLIC NOTICE SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM (SMP) PERIODIC REVIEW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Adams County is proposing to update the County’s adopted Shoreline Master Program. The County and the Washington Dept. of Ecology (Ecology) are accepting comments on a periodic review in accordance with RCW 90.58.080(4) and pursuant to the joint review process set forth in WAC 173-26- 104. The County has prepared draft Shoreline Master Program (SMP) amendments to be consistent with state law, county plans, regulations, and other c...
The South Columbia Basin Irrigation District is providing public notice that it will be applying aquatic herbicides to its irrigation canals, drains, and wasteways in accordance with Washington Department of Ecology Permit No. WAG991000. The purpose of the herbicide applications is to control aquatic weeds within the irrigation delivery and drainage systems. Treatments will be to all irrigation canals, drains, and wasteways constructed by the United States Bureau of Reclamation within the boundaries of the South Columbia...
RESOLUTION NO. R- 013-2023NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS / BULK ASPHALT SUPPLERS County of Adams Department of Public Works Ritzville, Washington The Adams County is soliciting Bids from qualified firms with expertise in supplying Bulk Asphalt. Sealed bids will be received by Adams County at the office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the courthouse at 210 W. Broadway, Ritzville, Washington 99169, until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 and will be opened and publicly read on March 7th, 2023 at 1:30 p.m., or as soon...
RESOLUTION NO. R-012- 2023 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS / LIQUID ASPHALT SUPPLIERS County of Adams Department of Public Works Ritzville, Washington The Adams County is soliciting Bids from qualified firms with expertise in supplying Liquid Asphalt. Sealed bids will be received by Adams County at the office of the Board of County Commissioners located in the courthouse at 210 W. Broadway, Ritzville, Washington 99169, until 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023 and will be opened and publicly read on March 7, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. for the...
CITY OF RITZVILLE REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES REVISED SUBMITTAL DATE The City of Ritzville, pursuant to RCW 39.80, is inviting statements of qualifications from consulting engineering firms to provide engineering services related to streets, sidewalks and storm drainage systems. Services may include engineering planning, reports, project designs, funding applications and assistance, construction administration and inspection, environmental reviews, rate studies and other work as...
CITY OF RITZVILLE REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR WAYFINDING GATEWAY SIGN PROJECT 1 The City of Ritzville, Washington welcomes the services of a qualified designer and fabricator consultant team with expertise in graphic design, fabrication, and installation to provide gateway sign designs. The proposed scope of work is intended to be a general outline of the work. It is not an all-inclusive description of the elements to be included in the plan or associated activities. 1. Information Gathering • Review of e...